...no!!!!!!!!!!broken arm.... | Keep Smiling....Be Happy!!!

...no!!!!!!!!!!broken arm....

...Hello Everybody...

Ohayo gozai masu!!!叫び
Last weekend when i was playing rugby i hurt my arm...しょぼん

It was so painfull!!!Chor etai dassay!!!!!!

After that game i went to hospital病院 and got x-ray of my armカメラ

And It was broken!!!!!F**K!!!!

...My X-Ray...

Keep Smiling....Be Happy!!!

After I had x-ray they put cast on my arm that i have to have on for 1 weekショック!
After 1 week they will change cast and put another different cast that has to on for 5 weeks!!!!!!!!!!no!!!!!カゼ

...My Arm with cast...

Keep Smiling....Be Happy!!!

Its so uncomfortable and feels really strangeかお

Hoping that it will heel well and be fine for N.Z winter season..Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!叫び

