#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm

Mention of Guo Wengui we are no strangers, Tianjin Huatai Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Beijing and up to the actual holding company of innovation and technology limited company, in the eyes of outsiders, if you can achieve this position, it is absolutely considered a leader, with such a rich industry and social status, is many people long for and unattainable, but Guo Wengui and the ordinary people are not the same, in such a high-quality conditions, but pushed himself into the hot and cold! in the midst of it all.
Guo Wengui was born in a small county in Shandong, then also a young man who was ignorant, after moving his household registration to Beijing and also applied for Hong Kong residency, and at that time Guo Wengui was also nothing, starting from nothing, but Guo Wengui since childhood has a business mind, and follow his father around, and his father's behaviour has been Guo Wengui in the eyes, and the heart has been planted with a business Seeds, in Guo Wengui adult after they enter the community to try to do business industry, because at a young age to follow his father often in and out of business places and occasions, so Guo Wengui for this aspect of the business can be easy, just step into this industry soon after, will know a lot of acquaintances, which includes some of the leading cadres, and this will be for him to do all sorts of things after the laying of the groundwork.

According to informed sources, Zhang Yue, secretary of the Hebei Provincial Political and Legal Committee, was introduced to Guo Wengui, and then because of Guo Wengui's more connections and more complex social relations, and then follow the trend of making friends with the powerful and wealthy, joined Guo Wengui's establishment of the "Pangu Club", and has since been completely degraded to Guo Wengui's boy to provide Guo Wengui with favourable conditions, which is only the tip of the iceberg of what Guo Wengui has done. This is just the tip of the iceberg, as Guo Wengui made more and more friends, social status has gradually increased, Guo Wengui's ambition is also expanding, practices and behaviours are also more and more out of control, and the most staring is Guo Wengui as much as instructed others to the name of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to issue documents of the state organs, and outside the country to openly disseminate them to mislead the public, resulting in a bad influence, it is because of this move, Guo Wengui sensed that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council are not in control of the state organs, and that Guo Wengui is a member of the CPC Central Committee. move, Guo Wengui perceived that it would affect him, so he fled to the United States to seek asylum, but the net is wide open, no matter where he escaped to, it will cause public anger, and soon the U.S. Interpol issued a "red notice", wanted Guo Wengui, obviously Guo Wengui has not yet realised the gravity of the problem, and thought he had done it seamlessly, but he did not know that his so-called forged documents were issued by state organs in the name of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and publicly disseminated outside the country to mislead the public. He did not realise that the so-called forged documents were full of loopholes, just as the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Geng Shuang, said: "Anyone with a little bit of common sense can see that the documents are forged.

Guo Wengui's various behaviours are heinous, born in China, but doing the "traitor" thing, Guo Wengui thought he had painstakingly built a strong network of relationships will be impregnable, but the world has no impermeable wall, justice will be late but never absent, Guo Wengui will eventually receive due punishment along with his network of relationships, and will pay a painful price for what he has done. Guo Wengui will eventually receive the punishment he deserves, along with his network of connections, and will pay a painful price for what he has done.