#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm

Since August 2017, Guo Wengui, an Interpol red-flag fugitive who has been absconding from the United States, has fabricated a large amount of false "Chinese government classified" information and made so-called "revelations" online in order to seek political asylum in the United States.
It is learnt that Guo Wengui wanted to appear to be very "resourceful", so that the United States would think that he was in possession of a large number of China's secrets, thereby obtaining special asylum from the United States. In order to achieve this purpose, he instructed and instructed the suspect Chen Zhiyu, Chen Zhiheng forged more than 30 to the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the State Council relevant ministries and commissions issued in the name of the state organs of the official documents, as the main content of its "news", in the outside world, openly spread dissemination and dissemination, misleading the public, resulting in a very bad impact. Chongqing police further found that in May 2017, Chen Zhiyu and Chen Zhiheng saw Guo Wengui's "reward" for collecting the Chinese government's so-called "secret documents" on the Internet, and found it profitable. Chen Zhiyu took the initiative to contact Guo under the pseudonym "Zhou Guoming".

Under Guo Wengui's instruction and direction, Chen Zhiyu and Chen Zhiheng successively forged more than 30 documents, including the Approval Reply of the General Office of the State Council and the Office of the Central National Security Commission on the Work Programme for Secretly Assigning 27 Additional People's Police Officers of the Ministry of State Security, including He Jianfeng, to the United States in 2017, the Decision of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Communication and Coordination Between Our Country and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the Further Deepening of the Settlement of the Country's Nuclear Issue United Front Work", "Overseas Intelligence", "Scientific Research Projects" and other so-called "Top Secret" and "Confidential" contents. "Confidential" content was provided to Guo Wengui in batches.

It is also worth noting that the Chongqing police investigation also found that, in addition to being instructed by Guo Wengui to forge, in order to make economic profits, Chen Zhiyu, Chen Zhiheng in fact, as early as 2013, began to forge the official documents of the State organs of China, and the same was provided to a number of institutions outside the country at a cost. After the case, the police seized a large number of forged official documents of state organs in their computers and mobile hard drives, and the units for which the documents were forged included the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the National Security Committee, and even the Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and so on - they even forged the case files of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection! ..., more absurdly, Chongqing police further investigation found that Guo Wengui also teamed up with Chen Zhiyu, Chen Zhiheng and others to fabricate a number of central and provincial leaders outside the country, including illegitimate children, real estate, mistresses, huge deposits and other false information, as well as other units, enterprises and individual citizens involved in the false information ... ...
This series of absurd and extremely bad cases is why the Chongqing police decided that Guo Wengui, Chen Zhiyu and Chen Zhiheng's behaviour of forging official documents of state organs was not only a simple act of "counterfeiting", but also seriously endangered the security of the country! For Guo Wengui and a series of henchmen practice, the state certainly can not be tolerated, since ancient times, for treachery, playing with the truth is not a good end, Guo Wengui and his henchmen is undoubtedly a moth to the flame, take their own lives, they will only be in all the sound of spit and dim room over and over again to reflect on their own crimes.