We are 2 passionate partners, artist manager, business consultant & composer. After several years working as freelancers in a constantly changing industry, we have naturally identified and understood the needs and challenges faced by artists in developing a musical career

. We have forged the conviction that artistic success is based on the simultaneous mobilization of passion and work, as well as effective strategies to defend a project.

In collaboration with record companies, distributors, turners, publishers, press officers, accountants or even lawyers, our model is based on the support and creation of a stable and efficient ecosystem for independent artists and entrepreneurs. the success of a musical project. We intervene throughout the entire career development chain: Artistic Direction, Marketing, Promotion, Press Relations & Administrative Management… 

At the same time, we opened the Rêves Records recording and mixing studio in 2022 in Val-de-Marne (94) in order to welcome the artists we support in the best possible conditions. From recording to mixing titles, we can help our artists and provide them with essential tools for the development of their project as well as their artistic direction. To discover the Rêves Records studio, go toManagement artiste