
Sup it’s sakura!! Thank you so much for the likes and comments. I saw new ppl wrote comment on my blog! Thank you for supporting me😆 I love to read the comments! ❤️

サップ !!サクラ🌸です。

いつもライクとコメントありがとうございます。コメントがあたらしいひとがふえてうれしいかったです😆 コメント読むのはいつもたのしみですね。私のブログを楽しみにしてありがとうございます❤️

 I had a girls day with my mom and my best friend it was so much fun! We went to the sakura tea set 🌸at the Hilton hotel! It was so yummy and so cute❤️ I love Japanese sweets! Everything so cute and yummy💕 We also went to American village and took a couple of pictures. We ride ferris wheel too! 🎡 My friend stayed the night at my house and we stayed up all night😆










My friend and I went to a cute drink shop before we dropped her off at her house! Their drinks were so good and yummy 😋! We took some cute photos at the drink shop. It was so much fun! 





My friend and I went to the rycom mall. It was so much fun. We bought matching clothes and got Starbucks. My favorite drink is the sakura pink milk latte and the matcha flappe 😋

ベストフレンドとライカムモールに買い物にも行きました。同じかわいいようふくかいました😍 大好きなスターバックスにも行きました。私のすきな飲み物は、サクラピンクミルクティーとまっちゃフラペチーノです😋


I took many pics!  So enjoy it 😆


Thanks for reading again !

Love u all 💕 xoxo



桜🌸 SaKuRa🌸