
ステフィー  が笑顔にしに来たよ!

324日の気仙沼のSCK GIRLS ライブに来てくれた皆さんありがとうございました!!もし、まだ見てない方がいらっしゃれば、SCK GIRLS YouTube チャンネルで見えることができますからぜひ!チェックしてくださいね!

Earth Ace さんとの初めての気仙沼ライブだからすごく楽しかった!二人のステージのすがたの輝きを見て、笑顔になりました!だって、ステフィー  はアイドルが好きなアイドルだもん!トークコーナーも楽しくて少しでも仲よくなれて嬉しいなと思いました!Earth Ace さんと次のステージも楽しみにしています!


SCK FAMILY がメリーゴーランドのコールを作ってくれたことです!!!皆さんの大きな声を聞いた瞬間に嬉しさで振り付けが消えたところだったよ!それは皆さんと一緒に作った魔法のかけらだった。SCK GIRLS と一緒に私が作った曲で皆さんがそんなに楽しんでくれるなんて、ありがとうしか言えない。その日に作った思い出は私の大切な宝物になりました。心のそこから、ありがとうございます、SCK FAMILY. 




それから、りんの卒業になりました。卒業というのはいつも複雑な気持ちにさせるけど、最後にりんとステージに立って本当によかった。りん!SCK GIRLS の候補生になってありがとう!これからのりんを応援します!

それでライブが終わって、皆さんと話せる時間になりました!そのタイムが大好き。SCK FAMILY の言葉はいつも優しくてハッピーすぎ泣きそうになっちゃうよ!♡♡♡ 皆さんがいつも笑顔で応援してくれるから私も元気になれる。私が皆さんのことを笑顔にしに来ても、皆さんが私のことを笑顔にしてくれるよ。もう一回チャレンジしてみるとか難しくても諦めないでとかのインスピレーションはいつも皆さんからもらっているから、感謝しています。











Hi!  Steffi here to make you smile!

Thank you so much for coming to the SCK GIRLS Live in Kesennuma on 3/24!  The livestream is still available on the SCK GIRLS YouTube Channel if you missed it!  

It was so much fun because it was our first time performing with Earth Ace in Kesennuma!  Watching the two of them shine on stage made me smile from ear to ear. ^_^ What can I say? I’m an idol who likes idols. I’m really glad we were able to chat with them during the show too. Can’t wait for our next live together!

Another reason it was a super special day for me is because…our SCK FAMILY made calls for Merry-Go-Round!!! When I first heard everyone chanting with so much passion and excitement I was so happy I almost forgot to keep dancing. I’m so grateful we got to make that magical moment together with a song I wrote for us. It truly means the world to me. Thank you SCK FAMILY from the bottom of my heart. 

AND!! It was so exciting to see the SCK GIRLS version of “Blue Spring Teen” complete with choreography by our very own Dancing Queen, Saki!  It’s such a cool song, both melodically and lyrically. (And oh my gosh the harmonies!!! I love them so much.). I can’t wait to join in and sing and dance with everyone next time. 

Then it was time for Rin’s graduation. Graduation is always difficult for me to deal with emotionally, but I’m really happy I got to perform with her one last time. Thank you Rin for becoming a wonderful trainee member of SCK GIRLS!!!  I’ll be cheering for you in the future!

And with that, our very wonderful show came to a close and it was time for my favorite part!  I absolutely love talking to our whole SCK FAMILY after shows. You all give me so much joy and energy with your support and enthusiasm. I say I’m the one here to make you smile, but in the end it’s always you all making me smile in return. You always inspire me to keep going. Thank you so much.

And thank you to Marika too!  I read her blog from earlier and it made me really happy and grateful to know she’s got my back to help me make my dreams come true. She is such an amazing leader and such an amazing person. 

And my final thank you is to my Overseas Idol Friend because I can now announce that…I will be performing in Aden’s last live in Japan on 6/1 in Tokyo!!  Hope to see you there or on the livestream!  It’s going to be a very very good one. 

Let’s do our best and have maximum fun this week too!

Also, Happy Easter!!!

See you!

