



先週の週末は最高でした!!!気仙沼スローフェスタ2021はすごく楽しかったです! 賑やかな祭りが大好き。

そんなにかっこいいステージに出演できるなんて信じられない。^_^ 気仙沼の美しい内湾はとてもステキな場所。

KESENNUMA SONGS CD の皆さんのパフォーマンスも見えてよかったです!素晴らしいライブが多くて、このアーティストと同じCDができてよかったです。
















SCK GIRLS のおかげで気仙沼のことをすごく好きになりました。

メンバーになる前にも、この小さくて静かな町にもアイドルグループがいるなんて好きでした。市内のイベントにSCK GIRLS が出演したらそのイベントに行きたかったです。いつもステキな経験になりました。ライブが見えただけじゃなくて、気仙沼の祭りもわかってきました。



SCK GIRLS のおかげで、夢が叶えました。

言えるよりも感謝しています。だからこれからも、SCKのために頑張ろうと思います。 感謝の気持ちを込めて、頑張り続きたい。












Steffi here!


This weekend was amazing!  Kesennuma Slow Festa 2021 was so much FUN!  I lovely lively events.

I can't believe we got to perform on such a cool stage and in such a beautiful part of Kesennuma.  I love Naiwan.

The other performers from the KESENNUMA SONGS CD were amazing too.  I'm really glad we got to be in a CD with them.

I'm also still so happy that I got to perform on the same stage as Ken Watanabe!!!  I had no idea he could sing!


Slow Festa was so great that I went back on Sunday too!  I got to eat some delicious festival food for the first time in a while.  Kaki is delicious and so is sweet potato crepe.  I participated in events and even got to meet some really nice and cool YouTubers!  It was awesome!


I hope your weekend was amazing too!


Hey!  Did you know?

November 3rd was the 10th Anniversary of the SCK Girls!!!


Even though I've only been a member for about 2 years, I've made so many wonderful memories with SCK.

I really want to work hard for the group.

I hope I can make many more wonderful memories with everyone from now on too!


I've come to love Kesennuma so much more thanks to the SCK Girls.

Before I became a member, I loved that even this small, sweet, humble town had its own idol group!  SCK made going to local events more exciting for me.  I went to some events almost specifically to see SCK perform.

Then, once I became a member, I was able to see even more events from on the stage and with the group I admired so much.

Getting to be a part of this group has really been a dream come true and such a unique experience.  I'm really grateful for it and will continue to do my best for SCK.


Thank you so much for all of your support of the SCK Girls!  I hope you will continue to cheer us on!


See you!

