

また雪が降った!!私、やっぱり冬の子な~。雪が降るとね?私には、いい日になる魔法みたい。起きてから、窓の外にはキラキラプレゼントが待っている。 本当に好きよ。皆さんにも雪の魔法にハッピーになれるといいね!





















It snowed again!!  I really am a winter kid because for me, snow is like a magic spell that just makes my whole day so much better.  You wake up and it's like a special, sparkly surprise outside your window.  I love it.  I hope it makes you all happy too!


Plus in winter you get to bundle up all nice and cozy.  What I'm trying to segway into is:  I got to wear my favorite sweater finally!!  It's so cute and warm and fluffy. ^__^


Also dreamy!!  Dreamy is a word that's been on my mind lately.  I made this dreamy Sailor Moon inspired cheesecake last weekend and the cute little white chocolate wings make the white chocolate shavings look just like feathers or fresh snow.  I'm really happy with how it turned out.


I'm working hard to make as many beautiful dreams come true as I can and for that, I need to stay healthy.  Smoothies are some of my favorite healthy, fruity treats, so I was really, really excited to find a smoothie bar in Kesennuma!!  Have you been to Miya Cafe?  The flavors are so interesting and delicious, I could go there all the time.


Stay warm everybody!  Don't forget to drink water, stay active, get good sleep, and have sweet dreams!


See you!

