

先週雪たくさん降っていたよね!すごくうれしい!キラキラ✨雪大好きだから。^_^ 雪が降ると元気になる。寒くてもノープロブレム。











雪がこんな風にいっぱい降るのが久しぶりだよね! いろいろなところで可愛い雪だるまとかまくらが見てから私も作りたくなっちゃった。









クリスマスまで後: 3日!










I can't believe we got so much snow this week!!  I absolutely LOVE snow I'm so happy.  It's so sparkly and it gives me so much energy.

If it's snowing, I don't mind the cold at all.


Maybe it will be a White Christmas!!  I hope it will!


I got to go see some of the Naiwan illuminations in the snow last week!!  It was so magical with the lights and the snow and the Christmas songs.  It made me realize why I love winter so much.  Winter is all about lighting up the darkness.  Yesterday was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, but with the shining snow and the bright illuminations, everything felt so bright and hopeful.  I really feel like I can continue to do my best until I become a person capapble of illuminating any darkness.


I feel like it hasn't snowed this much in so long!  I've seen a bunch of cute snowmen and snow forts everywhere!  I want to make one too!


I made these snow dragons in 2012 in America!

It reminds me of how much I love Snow Festivals in Japan. ^__^ I want to go again!!  My first year in Japan I saw a wonderful PreCure performance on an ice stage!  It was cold, but my heart was so warm because of the cute performance.  I hope I can make everyone's hearts warm like that by performing with SCK!!!


I made even more Christmas Cookies!!!  This time its Preacher Cookies and Sugar Cookies.

Its so much fun cutting out the shapes and decorating with the icing.  Of course I had to make Christmas Colored Sailor Moon themed cookies.  ^__^

Preacher Cookies are no-bake!  You mix sugar, oatmeal, peanut butter, cocoa powder, butter, salt, milk, and vanilla extract together and let them cool on wax paper.  They've got that delicious salty/sweet flavor that I love so much.


Three days until Christmas!!!


See you!

