



私が金曜日にゼルダ無双厄災の黙示録が手に入れた!週末は、そればかりしていた。 XD



漢字の読み方はまだ分からないけど、ふりがながあるからなんとなくいける!XD ところどころ言葉の意味もまだ分からなくても、取り合えずひらがなとカタカナの読めるペースはどんどん早くなっていく!声優の発音を聞きながら漢字を見ることもいい練習になった。


皆さんにも英語習いたいなら、好きな映画を英語で見ることや、本を英語で読むことや、歌を聞くことや、ゲームを英語ですることがおすすめです! 楽しみながら勉強するのは一番いい方法だと思います!^_^




厄災 (やくさい) calamity

倒す (たおす) defeat

敵 (てき) enemy

流石 (さすが) as you would expect (この言葉もう知ってたけど、初めてこの漢字を見た!)











Did you have a nice three day weekend??  What did you do?


I got Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity on Friday and that was pretty much my weekend. XD

I've been playing the game in Japanese and it is such good practice!


It's still pretty difficult for me to read kanji, but the game has furigana so I'm getting by somehow.  XD  I still don't understand the meanings of some of the words but at least I'm getting a little faster at reading hiragana and katakana.  Slow and steady!  Listening to the voice actos while following along with the kanji helps a lot too.


If you guys want to learn English, I highly recommend watching your favorite movies, reading your favorite books, listening to music, or playing your favorite games in English.  Having fun is the best way to study. ^__^



Here are some of the words I learned while playing the game!


厄災 (やくさい) calamity

倒す (たおす) to defeat

敵 (てき) enemy

流石 (さすが) as you would expect (I knew this word before hand but I didn't know it had kanji!)



(Oh!!  What are your favorite Christmas songs??  Please let me know!!)


See you!

