


『名歌名句辞典』(佐々木幸綱・復本一郎/三省 堂)より選句


中村草田男 Nakamura-Kusatao




月の出ていない春の夜の闇。幼き頃経験した恐怖が、再び、よみがえってきたよ。In the darkness of a moonless spring night, the fear I experienced as a child came back to me once again.


「春の闇」のある句。 "Spring Darkness."


松山律子 春の闇生年月日何時も嘘


A person who always lies about their age is as scary as the darkness of spring. If you get involved with that person, you're going to end up in big trouble someday.

水原春郎 点滴を千まで数ふ春の闇

春の闇、病床の中でエンドレスの点滴。The author is in bed in the darkness of spring, receiving endless intravenous drips.

飯塚ゑ子 恐竜の骨の真つ白春の闇

春の闇が怖いのは、人がまだ、ネズミだったころ、恐竜に追っかけられたせいでしょうか。Perhaps the reason we are afraid of the darkness of spring is because when we were still mice, we were chased by dinosaurs.