English follows. 
今日は私のfertility treatmentについてお話ししたいと思います。(わざと英語を入れていくスタイル)わからない英単語は『○○ 意味』で検索してみましょう🔍(単語アップにつながります👍)







Good evening.
Hope everyone’s doing well.
Today I would like to talk about my fertility treatment.

My husband and I got married in November 2022, and from there, we immediately started our fertility control(不妊治療). First we had an egg retrieval(採卵)in April 2023, and our implantation was successfully achieved in June.
When you hear this, you’re probably like Hmm? What? 
Yup that's right.
I was 39 years and 6 months old when I got married, and I could see that I was going to have an older childbirth, so I entered our fertility treatment from the beginning of our marriage because I felt that a natural pregnancy would be like asking for God's help.
I also felt that if I had to pray to God every month, I would not be able to focus on my job so I wanted to depend on medical power.
I am still learning about infertility treatment, but I heard that if you try to conceive naturally for a year and are unable to do so, you are said to be“infertile”.
I couldn't wait for that, so I skipped it all.

At first, I went to a regular gynecologist that I had been going to for a while and had artificial insemination(人工授精) (they don't separate good sperms from bad sperms, they just did it the normal traditional way(?)). I had two insemination sessions with a regular gynecologist.
I was wondering if this was the right way to go about it. The next year, I started going to a fertility(不妊) clinic because I heard that my husband's colleague’s wife had gotten pregnant through artificial insemination. There was an embryologist(培養士さん) there, and they were able to separate sperm with good motility from those with bad motility (and I am sure many other things).

It's a long story, so I'll leave the rest for another time...
For those of you who enjoy watching English pronunciation on my account, I apologize for the personal post, but I am often asked for advice by friends who are struggling with infertility, and I thought I would share my thoughts in the hope that it will be helpful to those who are willing to have a child (how I was able to have a child, and what I took care of on a day-to-day basis, etc.).
When I was going through fertility treatment myself, I only had one friend who was going through it, so I thought that there must be people who are still spending their days alone, looking up and researching about this difficult world, and thought that maybe I can be of help.

I have never talked about my fertility treatment to anyone in English, so I think I need to study up so that when the time comes, the words will come out of my mouth.

Well I think this is enough for today.
Night guys🖐️