

手紙 ~親愛なる子供たちへ~

年老いた私が ある日 今までの私と 違っていたとしても
どうかそのままの 私のことを 理解して欲しい
私が服の上に 食べ物をこぼしても 靴ひもを結び忘れても
あなたに色んなことを 教えたように 見守って欲しい

あなたと話す時 同じ話を何度も何度も 繰り返しても
その結末を どうかさえぎらずに うなずいて欲しい
あなたにせかまれて 繰り返し読んだ絵本の あたたかな結末は
いつも同じでも 私の心を 平和にしてくれた

悲しいことではないんだ 消えて去って行くように 見える私の心へと
励ましの まなざしを 向けてほしい

楽しいひと時に 私が思わず下着を濡らしてしまったり
お風呂に入るのを いやがることきには 思い出して欲しい
あなたを追い回し 何度も着替えさせたり 様々な理由をつけて
いやがるあなたと お風呂に入った 懐かしい日のことを

悲しいことではないんだ 旅立ちの前の準備をしている私に

いずれ歯も弱り 飲み込むことさえ 出来なくなるかも知れない
足も衰えて 立ち上がる事すら 出来なくなったなら
あなたが か弱い足で 立ち上がろうと 私に助けを求めたように
よろめく私に どうかあなたの 手を握らせて欲しい

私の姿を見て 悲しんだり 自分が無力だと 思わないで欲しい
あなたを抱きしめる力が ないのを知るのは つらい事だけど
私を理解して支えてくれる心だけを 持っていて欲しい

きっとそれだけで それだけで 私には勇気が わいてくるのです
あなたの人生の始まりに 私がしっかりと 付き添ったように
私の人生の終わりに 少しだけ付き添って欲しい

あなたが生まれてくれたことで 私が受けた多くの喜びと
あなたに対する変らぬ愛を 持って笑顔で答えたい


When I met this poem on FB, I was deeply impressed by it.
Then I look over it and figured out it was sang a song in 1999.
I didn't know that even I was in Japan...anyways I didn't have a TV so there is nothing how I can see.

Letter for my children

As I grow older, if a day comes when I am not the same as I used to be
I ask that you accept me as I am
Even if I spill food onto my clothes, even if I forget to tie my shoe laces
I ask that you watch over me with all the things I have taught you
Even when we speak and I repeat the same story over and over again
I ask that you nod your head as you allow me to finish
The warm ending of that story you always begged me to read to you
Always filled my heart with peace even if it never changed
It’s nothing to be sad about, it may seem as if I am fading away
But face my heart with encouragement in your eyes
If I get too excited I might accidentally wet my underwear
But go ahead and dump me in the bathtub even if I complain
I’m reminded of when I chased after you to change your clothes
You would make excuses to avoid taking a bath but I would bathe you
It’s nothing to be sad about, I am getting ready for a long journey
And I want you to pray for my good luck
One day my teeth might fall out and I won’t even be able to swallow
If my legs will weaken and I’m not able to stand up on my own
I ask that you hold my hand to keep me from toppling over
Like I held yours when you tried standing on weak legs for the first time
Don’t be sad when you see me, don’t think that you can’t do anything
It hurts to know that I won’t have the strength to put my arms around you
But I ask that your heart accept and support me
I’m sure that’s all I need to feel courage well up inside me
Just like I carefully watched over you at the start of your life
I hope you’ll attend to me a little, here at my life’s end
I’ll answer you with a smile from all the joy I had when you were born
Containing my love for you that has never changed
To my children
To my beloved children





First of all, I have been left this blog so long...I always use FB but when I want to blog, I use this more often.

Anyways I have some experience between JP and AUS after I came so I am going to start to write this topic step by step.

First, I want to talk about tax.
When we catch a cab and get on it, normally the driver open a back door which we are about to get on in Japan but we need to open a door by myself specially when we get on a cab alone, we sit on a seat next to the driver in AUS. We can take a back seat as well but 90% of people take a side seat in AUS. The most important thing I want to say is "please don't forget to close the door by yourself".

Second, mostly driver(specially bus, taxi and car)are listening to music or talking phone using earphone during driving. From customer's viewpoint it is rude in Japan but it often happen in AUS.

Third, if you look for a bar, you can check some hostel or casual hotel, it is easy way to find it. I think one of these reason are Australia is popular for sightseeing for traveler and they like drinking. Plus I just remember that people work at a bar who need to have license to provide alcohol. This license is different of each states so if you get it and you will move to other states you need to get it again. how ridiculous it is!!





I make up my mind to work hard with keeping take care my body and health too. When I think about my future, I must do something right now. Don't waste of my precious time. I stick with it. Wish me luck.