





『改訂版 口が覚えるドイツ語 スピーキング体得トレーニング』






『これならわかる ドイツ語文法 入門から上級まで』





『しくみが身につく 中級ドイツ語作文』










『Menschen: Audio-CDs & DVD zum Kursbuch A1』

『Menschen: Audio-CDs & DVD zum Kursbuch A2』






・ガッッチガチの文法の羅列 und 滝のような難単語。










『システム生物学入門 -生物回路の設計原理-』








『マレー数理生物学 応用編』




『生体分子の統計力学入門 ―タンパク質の動きを理解するために―』







Title: Medical Vocabulary for English Learners
URL: https://www.engvid.com/medical-vocabulary-for-english-learners/

・medical TV drama や、事故を報道する新聞記事・ネットニュースに出てくる単語
・is perfect for
 ・take a turn
 ・take vitals
 ・stable and neutral な専門用語はたくさん用意されている



    Do you like watching medical TV dramas and have trouble with the words popping up there? Or are you having difficulty reading newspapers and articles on accidents and incidents, where the injured are described as "critical", "serious" or "unconscious?" In this video the lecturer Emma deals with some 10 words and phrases used to claim on vital status or when interviewing your patients. To take some vocabulary for example, you can learn what it means "to be in critical condition" or "to be in serious condition", or you can understand the prospect of your friend, badly damaged in a car crash, when someone says, "He took a turn, unfortunately." I think this video is perfect for those who likes medical dramas and, of course, those with a yearning for clinical pathologists.
    I found it interesting to see the similarity between clinics and research fields. Most words in clinics are familiar and easy to understand. For example, people say "someone took a turn" when his condition has gone bad, and "take vitals" when testing the temperature, breathing, pulse and blood pressure of someone to see if he is alive or not. That plain attitude is, interestingly, also welcome in the research field of life science, where determined descriptions of your opinion and idea with simple words are deeply appreciated. Gloriously purple proses are unfortunately unwelcome both in the clinic and the research. Also impressive for me was that learning English for clinical communications seems fairly easier than expected. With the world getting more and more international, patients and medical staff have become borderless. Indeed, we have 10, or 20 at most, kinds of vocabularies to learn in depicting one's life conditions. In this sense, making us realize that we never need "high-carat" expressions, this video may remove our nonsense cowardness and provide us with confidence to dive into the global clinics.