”【フェイク】映画『独裁者』とゼレンスキー「コメディアンが大統領になり戦時下のリーダーに」” | さすらい通信ロンドン特派員nekobabaaのQueen's English猫ブログ

さすらい通信ロンドン特派員nekobabaaのQueen's English猫ブログ



“Servant of the People" can be watched in the UK now:

Channel 4 started to broadcast the first episodes and they are also available on All4 online portal


I've watched the very first episode.

President Zelenskyy [sic] plays a high school History Teacher whose tirade against the corrupt politics was filmed by one of his students, and this video generated his spiralling up popularity.  Then his supporters started crowdfunding for his Presidential Campaign.


One morning, when he was busy preparing to go to work but struggling to use the bathroom and asking his niece to iron his shirt amongst the usual morning chaos in his parents household.  (His wife left him so he is now a divorced school teacher having tough time to pay the bills.)


Then, a knock on the door...