The Italian Comedy - The roots of the Italian commedia dell8217arte stretch back to the Atellanae Fabulae, popular farces of ancient Rome Modern descendants can be found in the antics of a comic like Charles Chaplin But as an institution it was unique 8212 a perfected theater of improvisation where gifted actors created some of the most memorable characters the theatre has ever seen It was from this enchanting world that Harlequin and Punch, the Doctor and the Captain, Pantaloon and Brighella emerged to reign over Europe for three centuries Writers, composers, and painters have drawn inspiration from the commedia its influence is obvious in the work of Lope de Vega, the English Elizabethan dramatists, Moli233re, Callot, Watteau, C233zanne, and Picasso One of the most important books written on this aspect of theatrical history is this famous study Tracing the beginnings, growth, and influence of the commedia dell8217arte, Duchartre describes the improvisations, staging, masks, scenarios, acting troupes, and characters that made up this special form of theater Unfortunately, the English translation that appeared in 1929 has been out of print for decades, leaving scholars and theater lovers without a valuable source This republication brings Duchartre8217s account back into print, illustrated with the more than 200 drawings and photographs it originally contained, plus a new pictorial supplement containing 35 plates from the Recueil Fossard, a rare collection of sixteenthcentury engravings, and eight plates from Compositions de rh233torique de M don Arlequin, which gives a view of Harlequin during the Renaissance Here are some of the reviews this book originally received: 8220A scrupulously studious work, and a sympathetic one 8230 valuable sourcebook 8221 8212 Bookmarks 8220Exhaustive and scholarly but hilariously entertaining treatment 8221 8212 Christian Century 8220The author has gleaned from every source wellordered information which makes this volume a complete seismographic record of one of the greatest eruptions of the comic spirit in all times 8221 8212 Saturday Review of Literature This republication is sure to be no less well received It has already merited an enthusiastic response from Eric Bentley: 8220A very important standard work Its unavailability of recent years 8212 of recent decades 8212 has been a calamity for all who work in the field Its reappearance will make a big difference Dover has earned the gratitude of a whole profession 8221