BREED 77 新ビデオ | ʎʞɹǝ pɐǝɥuǝʞɹᴉq




Breed 77 are back! The Flamenco Metal outfit rose to fame in the early noughties after cutting their teeth on the UK & European live circuit - playing with the likes of Black Sabbath, Machine Head, The Melvins & Korn.

End Of The Line - Breed 77 - [Official Music Video]



Breed 77 return with their second single of the year; OUTSIDE is a foot-stomping anthem built on slabs of guitars, pounding bass, driving rhythm and soaring vocals delivering the message that it’s OK not to fit in, to feel like a misfit in today’s society. With all that’s going on in the world – from politics to people’s attitudes and values – it’s OK to feel alienated from all the chaos that you encounter daily.

Outside - Breed 77 [Official Music Video]