Akira Toriyama emphasized not taking things too seriously, even in his most famous work, Dragon Ball Z, which featured martial artists from space committing genocide regularly. Despite the serious themes, there were always elements like magical wishing dragons and villains named after vegetables and dairy products, which made it hard for the audience to be truly scared. This balance between serious themes and whimsical elements is a trademark of Toriyama's storytelling style, evident even in Sand Land and other IPs, adding a layer of charm and light-heartedness to otherwise intense narratives, much like the playful twists and turns found in the storytelling of many buy Xbox games. While there were tense moments, the primary aim was always to ensure everyone had a good time. Hence, it's fitting that Sand Land, likely one of Toriyama's final significant involvements in a video game, exudes warmth and joy. Sand Land closely follows the manga it's based on, introducing its lead character, Beelzebub, the demon prince, as he steals water. Soon, Rao, the other main character, appears, seeking a guide to the southern end of Sand Land, named for its dried-up river.


Pacing Hiccup: Sand Land's Mid-Campaign Slump

Sand Land boasts numerous strengths, but within its impressively crafted third-person action-RPG framework, certain aspects truly shine. Whether traversing ruined temples, soaring through canyons, or engaging in intense tank battles, Sand Land predominantly revolves around utilizing various vehicles to navigate diverse terrain and overcome adversaries, with meticulous care taken to ensure a smooth player experience. When encountering obstacles like giant scorpions while speeding across dunes on a motorcycle, players can effortlessly switch to a tank with a simple menu selection, seamlessly transitioning between rides, mirroring the fluidity of vehicle switching mechanics often seen in the gameplay dynamics of popular buy PS5 games. This includes familiar genre elements such as repairing radio towers to reveal the map and plentiful fast-travel points. Around one-third into the campaign, there's a notable pacing hiccup coinciding with the manga's conclusion, where all villains are vanquished, and primary objectives are achieved, giving the impression of a conclusive ending.


Diverse Combat Options in Sand Land: Vehicles Shine, but Beelzebub's Direct Control Falls Short

From the standard tank with its firepower to the agile Jump Bot capable of leaping across terrain, and even a versatile mech combining melee and ranged attacks, players have a range of options at their disposal.  However, it's somewhat disappointing that the combat mechanics when controlling Prince Beelzebub directly feel underwhelming. While players can unlock new skills through a simplified skill tree, the allure of returning to commanding vehicles like the tank or Jump Bot remains strong, highlighting a missed opportunity in making Beelzebub's combat more engaging. Whether through enemy drops, hidden stashes in enemy bases, or scattered across caves and dungeons, resources are plentiful, enabling extensive customization options. However, despite the abundance of customization possibilities, players seldom feel challenged by their adversaries. Typically, simply unleashing firepower on enemies, be they soldiers, tanks, or bosses, gets the job done without much variation in tactics. While the combat in vehicles feels satisfying, a greater diversity of attacks would enhance the overall experience.



Spino's Evolution: Transforming the Town in Sand Land

Admittedly, the transition to Sand Land's neighboring kingdom, the aptly named 'Forest Land,' encounters some script difficulties, exacerbated by the narrow cliffside paths that challenge most vehicles. Players establish Spino, a town with a garage serving as a central hub. Initially inhabited by a handful of residents, players can expand Spino's population by completing quests for side characters and witnessing the town's transformation in real-time, similar to the dynamic world-building mechanics seen in various buy Xbox games where player actions directly impact the growth and development of in-game communities. From humble beginnings amidst scrap piles to a flourishing oasis bustling with productive citizens, Spino evolves under the player's influence, offering a sense of accomplishment as happiness is restored to its inhabitants.