指向性エネルギー兵器衛星に関するソー・ハンのフィードバック 銀河連合特使エレナダナーン | 銀河ファミリー物語 Story of Galactic Families of World

銀河ファミリー物語 Story of Galactic Families of World




ソーハンのフィードバック エレナダナン

2023 年 8 月 26 日





-いいえ…いいえ、大丈夫ではありません、と私はため息をつきました。私は最も重要な指令のことは丸暗記していますが、それでも…それでも、こういったことが起こるととても心が痛みます。そして私たちはここにこれだけの船を持っています…。見てる!なぜこの惑星の軌道上に DEW衛星がまだ存在しているのでしょうか?




-はい、もちろん。 (We Will Never Let You Down-2021、p.132)



2021 年 7 月以降、地球同盟は地上から外周軌道に至る地球宇宙の保護を担当しているため、これらの活動を継続するのは彼らの責任です。銀河連合の作戦は外側軌道の限界を超えて開始される。世界規模の介入による干渉は、長期的には想像以上に大きな被害をもたらすでしょう。この地球上で起きていることに対して何もできないという縛りがあるのは、私たちの心が張り裂けると思いませんか?  耐え難いです!











AUGUST 26 2023    Elena Danaan 


I went back to the Excelsior, visiting Thor Han after an informal meeting with members of the High Council visiting the station. As we strolled on our favorite footbridge overlooking the Earth by a large bay window, Thor Han and I discussed my recent visit to Ea on the Nibiru ship, and the current events happening on the blue planet below us. What Ea had said about the human sacrifices by the Deep State was hard to stomach.


-Are you alright? Thor Han asked.

-No… no I’m not alright, I sighed. I know the Prime Directive by heart, but still… still it hurts so much when these things happen, and we have all these ships here…. watching! Why are there still DEW satellites down there, in orbit of this planet?


Thor Han grabbed my elbows.

-Listen, he said. Their Directed Energy Weapon satellites are stealth. You know that we have been working at disabling these satellites from the moment they started putting them into orbit. You remember, this Russian cosmonaut, from the International Space Station?

-Yes, of course. (We Will Never Let You Down-2021, p.132)

-Well he didn't know anything about the real nature of these satellites, but this was one of our multiple operations to try to stop this process. We have been shooting at sight on these satellites until they made it stealth. Since July 2021, the Earth Alliance is in charge of the protection of Earth’s space from ground to outer orbit, so it is in their responsibility to continue these operations. 


The operations of the Galactic Alliance start after the limit of the outer orbit. The interference of a global intervention would cause more damage at long term than you can envision. Don’t you think that it breaks our heart to be bound to do nothing about what is happening on the ground of this planet? It is excruciating!


-What about the missing children?

-They are alive. They were taken for trafficking. A rescue operation is in the process and those we can save will be brought back to their families.


Thor Han gave me an overview of the organization of the interference zones and I found it best to record an explanatory video when I was back to Earth on the following morning:

