
A guide to the latest research in oxygen therapies and their use on the path to optimum health&#8226 Presents new clinical advancements and scientific findings from Cuba, Italy, Spain, Russia, China, and the United States &#8226 Explores the effectiveness of oxidative therapies for treating many conditions, including heart disease, cancer, HIV, hepatitis, diabetes, MS, macular degeneration, herniated discs, arthritis, Alzheimer&#8217, Crohn&#8217, candida, emphysema, and eczema&#8226 Includes new research on oxidative therapies in veterinary medicine and dentistry, including its success in treating cavities and preventing infection Scientists now agree that most disease states are caused by oxygen starvation at a cellular level. Polluted air, devitalized foods, and poor breathing habits can all lead to chronic oxygen deficiency, a bodily environment in which toxins thrive as the overall immune response is weakened. Through oxidative therapies--the medical use of ozone (O3) or 