sequence of tenses - 時制の一致


英文ライターのための和英翻訳ハンドブック / 元ジャパンタイムズ主幹 村田聖明


he said the Cabinet will meet next Wednesday to discuss the matter (誤)

he said the Cabinet would neet next Wednesday to discuss the matter. (正)

he said he was hungry but ow he is not. (誤)

he said he had been hungry but now he was not. (正)


the foreigner did not know that people in Japan did not shake hands (誤)

the foreigner did not know that people in Japan do not shake hands (正)


Police reported that Tanaka had said to his family last week he would be killed (誤)

police reported that Tanaka said to his family last week he would be killed (正)

↑ 上の例では、last weekという事典を表す副詞相当語があるから、従属節の動詞sayは単純過去のsaidの形をとる。

The council submitted the report after its members had unanimously approved it. (誤)

The council submitted the report after its members unanimously approved it. (正)

↑ 上の例では、afterという接続詞が、councilの動作と、its membersの動作との時間的前後関係を明らかにしている - 後者の動作の後に前者の動作がとられた - ために、わざわざ過去完了形を用いる必要はない。

He saidあるいはこれに類する節(it was reported, it was announced など)が文の冒頭以外に用いられる時には、その動詞の時制は他の動詞を支配しない。

Japan would vote for the resolution, he said (誤)

Japan will vote for the resolution, he said (正)

He was tired of waiting, he said, for Governmental action. (誤)

He is tired of waiting, he said, for Government action (正)

あとの例文で、he was tired of waiting, he said... とすると、彼がものを言った時点において彼は、『政府の処理を待ちくたびれていた』という意味にとられる。いわんとするところが、その時点で彼が『待ちくたびれているのだ』といったというのであれば、He is tired of waiting, he said...としなければならない。


the teacher said the student, who was in his class, would be dismissed from school. (誤)

the teacher said the student, who is in his class, would be dismissed from school. (正)

Police searched the office of the bankrupt Alamaru Kensetsu Co., whose president was a Diet member, to collect evidence...(誤)

Police searched the office of the bankrupt Akamaru Kensetsu Co., whose president is a Diet member, to collect evidence... (正)

あとの例において、アカマル建設の社長が現在国会議員であるにもかかわらず、whose president was...とすれば、彼が現在は国会議員ではないということになり、間違いである。


He has given no indication that he intended to run for office (誤)

He was given no indication that he intends to run for office. (正)