postnatal exercise - 出産後の運動



Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board(salsaのざっと訳をつけてあります)
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Postnatal exercise - is your body ready?

How soon after giving birth can I start exercising?




仮にあなたが、妊娠中、運動をしていなかったり、今まで運動をしていなかったというのであれば、慌てずゆっくりと運動を始めるのが良いでしょう。出産後6週間の運動は「出産後6週間経ってない方々の運動の提案( exercise suggestions for the first six weeks)」を参考にしてみてください。身体がもどってきてから、出産6週間後の運動に変えるようにしましょう。


You can begin exercising your pelvic floor and lower tummy muscles as soon as you feel ready. Getting out and about is good for your physical and mental health, so try to take your baby out for regular walks in his pram or pushchair as soon as you feel up to it.

Some obstetricians will tell you to wait until your six-week postnatal check before trying other forms of exercise, although most feel that it's OK to gradually go back to your pre-pregnancy routine based on your personal physical capability. It all depends on whether or not you are a regular exerciser.

Generally, if you exercised right up until the end of pregnancy, you can probably safely perform your pregnancy workout - or at least light exercise and stretching - from the start.

If you stopped exercising during your pregnancy or are a newcomer to fitness, it is better to start exercising again more slowly. See our exercise suggestions for the first six weeks. Once you have built up your strength, you can move onto our exercises for after the first six weeks.

Unless you are advised otherwise, it is a good idea to avoid swimming for the first six weeks to minimise the risk of infection.

When should I delay exercising?



腹筋運動や、ジョギング、エアロビクス、テニスなどの有酸素運動は、骨盤底に負担をかけるので、出産したばかりの女性の尿漏れの原因になる場合があります(postnatal incontinenceと呼ばれる状態)。

If you experienced back or pelvic pain during your pregnancy, talk to your GP, midwife or health visitor before starting an exercise programme.

If you are finding it difficult to do pelvic floor exercises or you leak urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh, it is best to sort this problem out before returning to exercises such as sit-ups, general exercise classes or vigorous exercise.

Sit-ups and aerobic types of exercise (e.g. running, aerobics or tennis) can place strain on your pelvic floor and may cause leaking from the bladder (postnatal incontinence) in some women who have had a baby. If you have had any problems with leaking during your pregnancy or afterwards it is best to avoid this type of exercise until your pelvic floor has returned to normal. Keep doing your pelvic floor exercises in the meantime and ask your GP or midwife for advice. You may need to be referred to a women's health physiotherapist if the problem continues after several weeks.

What about exercise classes?

健康診断後、もしもあなたがスタジオエクササイズに参加したいというのであれば、出産後のエクササイズを専門に教えているスペシャリストのクラスを選んで参加してみてください(the guild; of pregnancy and postnatal instructorsや、助産婦さんのところ、女性専門の理学療法士のところなどにpostnatal exerciseの専門インストラクタ-のリストがあります)。


Most women should wait until after their postnatal check before attending exercise classes. If you would like to join a class after then, choose one taught by a specialist in the field of postnatal exercise (the Guild of Pregnancy and Postnatal Instructors has a list of specially trained teachers), a midwife or women's health physiotherapist. Or find a low-impact class with plenty of toning and stretching and let the teacher know you have just had a baby.

In some areas, you may be able to find some exercise classes run by a midwife or physiotherapist which are specifically designed for women who have just had a baby. Ask your midwife or health visitor if she knows of any classes in your area.

"rec check"って何ですか?
What is the "rec check"?

中には、腹筋を伸ばしすぎてしまう女性もいます。この状態は "diastasis rectus abdominus"(
ドイツ語ではRektusdiastase)と呼ばれています。<(salsa注)これはいわゆるシックスパックと呼ばれる腹筋の右側と左側が離れてしまうような状態のことをいいます。とてもよく見られる症状で妊婦さんの三分の一の人が経験するといわれています。激しい腹筋運動がdiastasis rectus abdominusのリスクを高めるのだという医師の指摘もあります>この症状をほうっておくと、後に腰痛の原因になったり、お腹が平らな状態に戻りにくくなったりします。diastasis rectus abdominusの可能性があるかないかは通常病院もしくは自宅でチェックをしますが、あなたがチェックを受けたかどうかはっきりわからないのであれば、以下のテストをしてみてください。







In a few women, the abdominal muscles can become over-stretched during pregnancy. This condition is called "diastasis rectus abdominus". Leaving this condition untreated may increase your chances of developing back pain and will make it harder for you to gain a flat tummy.

You will usually be checked for diastasis rectus abdominus while you are in hospital or at home, just after you have had your baby. If you are unsure whether you have been checked or not, you can do the following check yourself.

• Lie flat on your back with your knees bent.

• Place the fingers of your right hand (or left hand if you are left handed), palm facing down and fingers pointing towards your pubic bone, just above your belly button.

• Breathe in and then as you breathe out, gently lift your head and shoulders off the floor as though you were doing a sit-up. It doesn't matter if you can't get your head or shoulders up, simply trying will make your tummy muscles work.

• You should be able to feel your tummy muscles coming together as you try to sit up. You may need to try a few times before you feel anything. If you cannot feel anything after three attempts, don't carry on - ask your midwife to check instead.

• A gap of two finger widths or less is considered normal after having a baby. If your gap is three finger widths or more, you will need to start doing some pelvic floor and lower tummy muscle exercises and avoid sit-ups.

If the gap remains at three finger widths or more after a couple of weeks, ask your GP to refer you to a women's health physiotherapist who can give you some specific exercises to help the problem.

Can I exercise if I am breastfeeding?



Avoid exercises that make your breasts sore or tender, and always try to exercise after feeding your baby. Your breasts won't feel uncomfortably full, and your baby will appreciate it, too. Some research suggests that if a mum attempts to breastfeed immediately after very rigorous exercise, her baby may shun the breast completely or feed less vigorously. Any distaste for breastmilk should pass within 60 minutes after the workout. Provided the exercise is not too strenuous, this should not be a problem.

Make sure that you wear a supportive bra. You may find that feeding bras are not supportive enough and you need to wear a sports bra whilst exercising. You may also need to wear breast pads.

How can I tell if I am doing too much too soon?

出産後の1-2週間の過度な運動は、lochiaと呼ばれるvaginal flowの原因になる場合があります。
(vaginal flowはエストロゲンの増加によって起こる。出産後によくみられる症状で心配はいらないとされている)ピンクや赤っぽい色の分泌物の増加は、症状が緩和するサインとされています。また、帝王切開で出産をしたのであれば、切除した傷からの回復も待った方が良いでしょう。出血やlochiaが終わったと思った後で更にこのような症状があった際は医師に相談してみてください。

Too much physical activity during the first few weeks after delivery can cause your vaginal flow, called lochia, to become pink or red and to flow more heavily - a signal to slow down. You should also allow time for your incision to heal if you have had a caesarean. Check with your doctor if vaginal bleeding or lochia restarts after you thought it had stopped.

What's the best way to lose weight?





Many new mums are understandably eager to work off the extra weight of pregnancy as soon as their baby is born. The immediate postnatal period is not a good time to start dieting, however, especially if you are establishing breastfeeding. Trying to speed up weight loss whilst breastfeeding may mean that your milk will contain chemicals called ketones which are potentially unhealthy for your baby. Breastfeeding mums need around 200 calories a day more than when they were pregnant in order to provide enough nutritional milk for their baby and meet their own nutritional needs as well. Read our article on breastfeeding and your diet for more advice.

Eating sensibly and exercising regularly together (remember that brisk walking is an excellent form of exercise) give you the best chance of returning to a healthy weight more quickly and safely.

Many women will lose weight simply through breastfeeding, but this is not true for everyone. Remember that it took nine months to put on the weight, so don't expect to lose it too quickly. As a rule, try to regard the first year as the time it may take you to get back to normal weight safely . Any celebrities you read about losing their weight in six weeks are not doing themselves or their babies any favours.

A good goal is to lose no more than half a kilo or a pound a week. This is not only safe but will also help to ensure that the weight stays off. The best way is to do some form of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming, as well as eating sensibly. Focus on fast movements using your arms and legs that make your heart beat faster. To get the most of out your workout, exercise at 60 to 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate. This means that you should feel a little out of breath but still be able to hold a conversation.

Work out for at least 30 minutes of exercise - include exercises targeted at toning the muscles most affected by pregnancy - at least three to five days a week. If you weren't active during your pregnancy, start with a 15-minute programme and gradually increase to 30 minutes. If you tapered off your fitness routine as your pregnancy progressed, begin at the level you stopped exercising at when you were pregnant and increase the intensity or time as you feel ready. If you develop any aches or pains, ask your GP for advice.

Referenced version created by Alison Bourne, women's health physiotherapist, June 2007