labor cost in China - 中国の労働賃金


I'm going to jot down what I heard from a chinese young lady in beijing;


Fir those jobs like waitress, waiter at restaurants and bars, at a supermarket, etc...sounds like people earn something like 100 rmb a month.
(about 13 usd)


I had always wondered where people in the middle age are...
At banks, restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, beauty salons, gyms, department stores, etc, etc...I hardly ever see "middle age people" as if china only has peole in 20s.
So..I asked her why I didn't see many middle age people at those places.


She told me getting a job is very very competitive here.
There are so many people rushing into a job.
If...if a middle age wins the severe race..she/he would get.


I didn't know the retirement age for males in china is 55 years old and women at 50 years old.
Does that sound better or worse than getting retired at 65??


I went to a chinese bank today to transfer money (pay our rent!).
Our land lord has his bank account at a different bank to ours.
The girl behind the glass window told me they were gonna charge 12 rmb for the transfer as of their new law.


She started sneezing.
Fair enough it had been quite cold. We had a snow on the previous day.
Wait a minute, hey...sto.....

口元を私のパスポートで押さえてくしゃみをしてるじゃないですか! she was sneezing and putting my passport onto her mouth!!!叫び


I was to say "stop!!!", when she dis