Marimba Marimba - マリンバマリンバ




my boyfriend and I got together with his friend's family. the daughter told us she was doing a master degree for Percussion.
Percussion??? Percussion for master degree??
she told me there were not many women in the course.


she sounded like she took a course in Ghana in Africa last year...Wow!


there is no account what people get into.
train spotting, computing, percussion what so ever にひひ


Although I have never attempted to play it i was so fascinated with African percussion at one point (about 10 years ago). I remember I rushed into a Music store in Paris to seek for african percussion music CDs when i was supposed to sort out the paper work in a business trip.

I still have them.

Yunde Codou Sene & Youssou N'Dour/ senegal
Adama Drame / percussion
Guem Et Zaka/ best of percussion
David Fanshawe / Kenya & Tanzania
Guem / Voyage


we requested to play her recital DVD and enjoyed ourselves with her music and a glass of wine!


she was "manipulating" six mallets at times (generally they use two or four mallets I heard). using chopsticks must be dead easy to her.


she told me her room mate was a japanese girl. that's why??? she was so quick to get what I meant to say. yup my english gets dozy at times. ニコニコ

世界的に有名なマリンバ奏者って誰なの?という質問に、返ってきた答えが日本人女性の名前。keiko abe..安倍圭子さんという有名な日本人演奏者がいるんだそうだ。

we asked who was the most famous marimba player in the world.
she mentioned a name, "Keiko Abe".


for a person like me who grew up in a mono culture (so everybody seemed to get interested in the same stuff) a person like her who has got quite unique interest / speciality is very stimulating. it's so nice to see her being very focused, motivated and determined.