
当初ブリスベン出発前は、男性側のベストマンの後につないで挨拶をすると思いこんでおり、英会話の先生とその予定で挨拶を考えておりました。ですが、ブリスベンに到着し新婦からスケジュールを聞くと、レディーファーストということで私の方が先と。。。急遽内容を変更しなければならず、ルームメイトのMika chan とジャケイニー(シンガポール人)と一緒にWEDDING前日深夜2時まで再校しておりました。2人のおかげでとても心のこもったスピーチができ、最後は会場内の笑いもとれてとっても嬉しかったです!


Hi! I'm Hiroyo. I would like to thank Megumi and Aaron for honoring me with this oppotunity to be the bridemaid at their wedding.

I've known Megumi since university. I have two things which I believe everyone sitting down here would agree with me. Firstly, Megumi looks stunning. She always does, just today she looks contented and is in her happy place. And this couple here are a perfect match in heaven.

I've never seen her so happy in her entire life. That's how I knew Aaron is the one for her. She is comfortable and always being herself around him. This must be the way how he has made her feel like a princess. They have come a long way, going threw up and down, weathering every storms, but never gave up and always standed by each other. Seeing both of them together happily make all of us here believe true love do exist.

I'm really thrilled that she found the perfect man. And I know they will create a wonderful and fufilling life together. I'd like to wish them health, happiness and as many babies as they can handle. Conglatulation!