



My husband and I went to Chiba prefecture in October in my car.

「私の車で」の場合は in my car になります。
by を使う場合は by +交通手段(無冠詞)になります。
by 自体が手段を表すので誰か特定の人の車とかではなく、「バスで」「電車で」

と言う時に by bus  by train と言う風に使います。
一方今回の問題のように「私の車で」という場合は、私の車という空間を使って移動したと考えるので前置詞は in を使います。

しかしネィティブは、「車で行った」と言う場合、drive という動詞をよく使います。


My husband and I drove to Chiba.  のように。

We met my husband's uncle at a nursing home there.

老人ホームは nursing home と言うのが一般的です。

He is ninety years old.

前の文を受けているので、he で良いでしょう。
My uncle in law という言い方一般的ではありません。
基本的には、mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter に
in-law というのがつきます。

We talked through a glass door due to the influence of COVD-19.



A Ms. helper opened the glass door a little ( about fifty ㎝ ) for us.         

He looked very good.

My husband and I were relieved because we haven't seen him for a long time.       

長い間会っていなかったので・・が because 以下になります。


Reiko's journal

My husband and I drove to Chiba in October.
We visited my husband's uncle at a nursing home there.
We visited my husband's uncle who is in a nursing home there.

We haven't seen him for a long time.
He is ninety years old.
We talked with him through a glass door because of the influence of COVID-19.

A care attendant opened the glass door about 6 inches for us.
We were relieved that he looked very good.

Karen’s comment

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed so many things and has taught us new ways to communicate with our friends and family. 
I imagine your husband’s uncle was very happy to see you even if it was through glass.




