Of self hate and other sins | Season of Ghosts Sophia
You know, I was talking with my friend last night and I heard that changing the shape of ones face is a popular plastic surgery in some countries... People with round face somehow modify their cheekbones, so their face looks more oval or something. What the hell seriously???!!! How much should you hate yourself to do something like that!


$Somnium In Tenebris

What exactly is wrong being born with a round face?
Or being the way you are?
As a -round- person with an equally round face, I feel offended and appalled.


$Somnium In Tenebris

You know, bitches around me talk about losing ridiculous amounts of weight in order to look slim, or remove teeth from your mouth in order to look more oval etc etc etc AS IF this equals beautiful. Newsflash guys, slim or oval or whatever does not equal beautiful. Quite the opposite actually, if you ask me.


I prefer healthy-looking figures, not too slim, not obese, healthy. Anything that reminds me of an eating disorder, sickness or famine, does not fit my aesthetic standards. I support healthy and balanced lifestyles and I like people who like themselves. Because this is the only way that one can be happy and consequently give love to others.


I'm a person who never switches on the TV, hardly ever looks at fashion magazines and I couldn't care less about the latest trends or who thinks what looks hot or not. As far as aesthetics is concerned, I don't care about anybody's opinion except for mine. Because nobody knows who I am, so nobody has the right to tell me who to be, what to do and how to look like.


Oh and I'm very proud of my round face, I wouldn't change it for anybody else's.Even if this meant I would sell more CDs or do more interviews. If you love me,you will love me the way I am and for the stuff I do, not because my cheek is 2cms slimmer than it used to be a year ago, or my ass size fits the fascist standards set by a faceless group of bureaucrats.


$Somnium In Tenebris

Sizist bitches and vanity plastic surgery elitists, do yourself a favour. Go eat a burger,calm down and spend your money on psychotherapy instead. You will be much happier afterwards.


Thank you

$Somnium In Tenebris