BSC Tour diary 6 | Season of Ghosts Sophia
So the next day we played in Osaka. It was a special, BSC-organised event, so we invited lots of friends to join us! Without a doubt, was a super show from the start til the end.


Somnium In Tenebris

That day, also marked the start of our mini-tour with HYDROPHOBIA, a band closely related to BSC for many years now. HYDROPHOBIA's main personality is the guitarist/vocalist "RIN". He's my Viking older brother XD


Here with Kayuki (2nd Dyz) and Daichi (ex. Leviathan.) of Shatter Silence . The latter one, played with us at GEKIROCK in Osaka last January.

ここは2nd DyzのKayukiさんと Shatter Silence (ex. Leviathan.) のDaichiさんと。Shatter Silenceは1月のGEKIROCKにBSCの対バンでした。

Somnium In Tenebris


Kayuki also gave me the latest single of 2nd Dyz, "Rebellion". It includes a bonus DVD, with a PV, cool stuff!

Kayukiさんから2nd Dyz,の新しいSingleの"Rebellion"をもらいました!PVが入ってるDVDもついてる、かっこいい!

Somnium In Tenebris

Up next was Okayama. An event organised by GxSxD. Two of the members are twins and they look so alike I totally thought they were the same person in the beginning. Very cool band!

次のライブは岡山でした。GxSxDの主催イベント。GxSxDの二人のメンバーは双子だから、最初に一人だと思った wwwww とてもクールバンドだよ^^

Somnium In Tenebris

The very next day we visited a really cool livehouse, in a very abstract location. Shimane, Izumo livehouse APOLLO. You could see nothing but fields around! Basically, it was a 2-man live with HYDROPHOBIA.

次のライブハウスはすごかったよ。Shimane, Izumo livehouse APOLLO. 周りは自然しか見えなかった!基本的にHYDROPHOBIAさんとの2マンライブだった。

Somnium In Tenebris

Our small but active crowd consisted mainly of the town's DJs, which was a true challenge!
We had a fun talk with everybody after the concert, thanks a lot guys, you rock!

ライブの後で皆と楽しく話した、ありがとうguys, you rock!

Somnium In Tenebris

You can see Viking older brother RIN on the left lower corner ^^

RIN is also the owner of the record label "Shredded Flesh Productions"

All you underground metalheads, check it out!

RINさんは"Shredded Flesh Productions"というRecord会社のオーナです。
Underground Metalheadsの皆さん、是非チェックして下さい!