Apple cinnamon crumble muffin/りんごシナモンクランブルマフィン | さくらのお菓子作りブログ



The greatest baking failure I have made. How could this happen?!?! I was so sure that muffins were one of the easiest things one could bake. 
これが、私の一番悪いベーキングの失敗!何で?!?!?!マフィンが最も簡単に焼けるものだと思ったのに ...
I'm not exactly sure what exactly ruined these muffins, but I have some ideas. It's possible that all these little things just added together. Firstly, I used these leftover apples that my mom had received for free somewhere, so it's not like I got to pick some tasty apples. I just used up what I had. Having those apples was solely the reason I even made these muffins. Or, I followed the recipe wrong? Not sure if I did though. I also overfilled the muffin pan because I only had one, and I didn't want to do two rounds. That has no affect on the taste, but that's why they don't look to cute. Additionally, I didn't make the vanilla frosting that was on the recipe. I'm pretty sure it was optional, and I honestly just forgot. Lastly, I didn't store them properly. So, when I ate them some days later, they were horrible!! That's what was really the reason. When I tried them the day of and a day later, they tasted fine. I mean, they were bland, but not terrible. After a while, the apples in the bottom part made the bread all mushy and wet, and it tasted disgusting. It probably had gone bad. I honestly feel repulsed right now just thinking about it. 
何で失敗したか100%知らないけど、ちょっとアイデアある。小さい物が溜まったと思う。まず、お母さんが無料でどこかもらったりんごを使ったので、美味しいリンゴを使わなかった。持っていたものを使い果たしただけ。あのりんごがあったから、このマフィンを作ったわけ。それともレシピ通りにやらなかったかも?そして、マフィン型が一つしかなかったので、二回焼きたくなくて、入れすぎた。味は変わらないけど、見た目があまり可愛くないな〜 さらに、レシピに載っていたバニラフロスティングを作らなかった。オプションだったが、正直忘れた。最後に、きちんと保管しなくて、数日後に食べた時、本当にひどかった!! 私はそれが本当の理由だと思います。叫び  当日と翌日に食べてた時、とても美味しかけど。(ちょっと味気なかった。)しばらくして食べた時、下の部分にあるリンゴがべたべたになって、ものすごく不味くなった!オエー カビがはいてきたと思う。今考えるだけで怒る。ムキー
Of course, the best part even when I said it had gone bad was the crumb top. Who doesn't love cinnamon and sugar? I'm not saying the recipe was the problem, it was me. So please feel free to try and make it yourself, but don't make the same dumb mistakes as me. 汗うさぎ 
Recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction:

