Hi everyone~!

I'm sorry, for tonight, I'll only speak in english; I've so many things to say and so few times doing it. Perhaps, later, if I've the time, I'll translate this text in Japanese.

Today was a special day...many, many things happened, haha~.

Firstly, my university was locked by some etudiants, so we couldn't go in class like we do every week. So borring...
With some friends, we really had fun jumping on tables and taking photos etc...but we weren't lockers, as some teachers thought (_ _。).

「  MY   HEART   DRAWS   A   DREAM  」   - あち の ブログ -

「  MY   HEART   DRAWS   A   DREAM  」   - あち の ブログ -

「  MY   HEART   DRAWS   A   DREAM  」   - あち の ブログ -
University's corridors were desert...

Finally, it was decided on the afternoon that the school we'll be unlocked tomorrow.
"Totalement inutile."

After that, we've come in a small Japanese restaurant, where I could eat Yakitori. I love Yakitori, really. (≧▽≦)

「  MY   HEART   DRAWS   A   DREAM  」   - あち の ブログ -

At least, I've spend major part of the afternoon and evening with Aline & Hind, it was really, really fun!
It have been while I haven't laugh like that, I've a mad headeache now (@ ̄Д ̄@;).
But they are so kind, so cute, I love them so much...that this headache means nothing at all.
I just want to be with them again and again ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ.

I hadn't took pictures, sorry...
Would you have a preview of what I'll certainly look during my Halloween party?

「  MY   HEART   DRAWS   A   DREAM  」   - あち の ブログ -

Good night everybody, have sweet dreams...~

「  MY   HEART   DRAWS   A   DREAM  」   - あち の ブログ -