① 「教えてね」と伝える let me know

Narrator : Thelma drops by Shawn's desk to ask him about work.

A : Thelma
B : Shawn

A : So, how's the new system?
B : Man, it's great!
A : Right? Things are so smooth.
B : How's the new employee?
A : Karen? Um ... she's ... fine.
B : You don't like her, do you?
A : I just wanted to ask about the system.
B : Uh-huh.
A : If you have any questions, let me know.
B : You got it, Boss!


② 「あとで知らせるね」と言いたいときの I'll let you know.

Narrator : Paul tries to invite Emily to an event taking place on the weekend.

A : Paul
B : Emily

A : Are you free this Friday?
B : Maybe. Why?
A : I'm going to an industry party.
B : Like, with Hollywood producers and stuff?
A : Yeah. I don't like them either, but I need to raise my profile.
B : Okay. Well, I'll let you know.
A : You're definitely not going, are you?
B : Not a chance.