① 「とりあえず・・・にしておこう」と日時を設定したいときの Let's say ...

Narrator : Emily’s mother is coming to stay with her daughter and Thelma for a while.
She's arriving at the airport this afternoon.

A : Emily
B : Thelma

A : I can't believe my mom is staying here all month.
B : I think it's nice!
A : Because she's not your mom.
B : True. Anyway, let's take her out for dinner tonight. At Fernando's.
A : Okay. Her flight gets in at five.
B : Okay, then. Let's say dinner at seven.


② 「仮に・・・だとしよう」と言いたいときの Let's say ...

Narrator : Emily's mother has arrived at the airport.
Mother and daughter are now waiting for a taxi.

A : Mother
B : Emily

A : So, how's your new job?
B : I love it!
A : Great! And, let's say you met the man of your dreams. Would you keep your job after marriage?
B : Mom! I'm not even dating right now.
A : I know, but just imagine.
B : Then, the man of my dreams and I would discuss it.