① 「ちょっとね」と、返事をするときの  a bit...

Narrator : Olivia recently borrowed Emily's sweater and is returning it with a stain.    

A : Olivia
B : Emily

A : I'm really sorry. It was an accident!
B : That's okay.
A : Are you angry?
B : A bit. That was my favorite sweater.
A : I know! I'll buy you a new one!
B : Don't worry about it. It's just a sweater.


② 表現を和らげたいときの  a bit (of)...

Narrator : Emily and Thelma had decided to go to the movies tonight. But...

A : Emily
B : Thelma

A : Ready to go, Thelma?
B : Actually, I can't go tonight.
A : What? Why not?
B : I made a bit of a mistake. I forgot that I have a work dinner.
A : Oh, man!
B : Sorry! Let's go on Saturday.
A : Fine. But don't forget!