① 新たな話題を持ち出したいときの  There is ...

Narrator : Thelma is startled by a large noise outside.
She goes to wake Emily up from her nap.

A : Thelma
B : Emily

A : There was a loud noise just a minute ago. Did you hear it?
B : No. I was sleeping like a log. 
A : Come on. Let's go check it out!
B : Go alone.
A : Come with me! I'm scared.








② 強い拒絶を表したいときの There is no way ...

Narrator : Olivia and Emily have been invited to a birthday party for Emily's ex-boyfriend.
Olivia wants to go, but Emily ...

A : Emily
B : Olivia

A : There is no way I'm going to that party.
B : Really? There will be cake.
A : Chocolate cake?
B : Yep. And ice cream.
A : Well, let's just go and see what it's like.
B : Thought so!