① 手順ややり方を教えてあげたいときの You have to...

Narrator : Emily is at a cafe with Olivia, an old friend from school.
Olivia has just bought a box of candy but is having trouble opening it.

A : Olivia
B : Emily

A : Oh, man.
B : What's wrong?
A : I can't open this container. The top won't come off.
B : Oh, I have one of those. You have to press that down.
A : Like this? Oh, wow! Thanks!
B : No problem!


②「ぜひやってみて!」とおすすめしたいときの  You have to...

Narrator : Emily is Thelma's best friend and roommate.
Thelma is telling Emily about her camping trip last weekend.

A : Thelma
B : Emily

A : It was wonderful! You have to go sometime!
B : I don't know... I don't really like camping.
A : It's not camping. It's glamping! "Glamorous camping."
B : Hmm. 
A : Trust me. Let's go together this summer!
B : Okay!