“What can we do to avoid wasting food?” 

A : Karen
B : Riku

A : ねえ、りく。まだ食べられるのに捨ててしまうスーパーが増えているとニュースで聞いたよ。
B : そうだね!食べ物を捨てる前に、よく考えるべきだよ。
A:それはいいわね!私は普段 細かいリストを作るのよ、買い物に行く前にね。買いすぎないように気をつけているのよ。
B : ドギーバッグって何だい?
B : いいね!日本にもあるのかな?
A : そういえば、別の日に私が外食していた時に、フライドポテトを食べきれなかったんだ。
A : そうだといいわね。





A : Hey, Riku. I heard on the news that more and more supermarkets are throwing away food that is still edible.
     Wasting food is a big problem.
B : Yeah! We should think twice before throwing away food. 
     Hey, did you know that some supermarkets sell ugly fruits and vegetables? They taste the same, and they're cheaper!
     I always buy them when I have a chance.
A : That's great! I usually make a detailed list before I go shopping. I try not to buy too much food.
B : What a smart idea!
A : Also, back home in the U.S., I would often ask for a doggy bag at a restaurant.
B : What's a doggy bag?
A : If you don't finish your food, you can get your leftovers to go. That way, they don't go to waste.
B : Nice! I wonder if they have that in Japan.
A : Well, when I ate out the other day, I couldn't finish my French fries.
     The restaurant gave me a container to take them home.
B : Wow! Maybe more restaurants will start doing that.
A : I hope so.





A : Hey, Riku. ①ニュースで聞いたんだけど、食品を捨ててしまうスーパーがどんどん増えているんだよ、まだ食べれるのに。
     Wasting food is a big problem.
B : Yeah! We should think twice before throwing away food. 
     ②おい、知ってたかい(?)不格好な果物とか野菜を売っているスーパーがあるのを。 They taste the same, and they're cheaper!
     I always buy them when I have a chance.
A : That's great! ③私は普段 細かいリストを作るのよ、買い物に行く前にね。I try not to buy too much food.
B : What a smart idea!
A : ④それにね、アメリカに帰るとね、私はよくドギーバックをお願いするのよ レストランでね。
B : What's a doggy bag?
A : ⑤もしあなたがあなたの食べ物を食べきれなかったら, you can get your leftovers to go. That way, they don't go to waste.
B : Nice! I wonder if they have that in Japan.
A : Well, ⑥別の日に私が外食していた時に, I couldn't finish my French fries.
     The restaurant gave me a container to take them home.
B : Wow! ⑦もしかしたらもっと多くのレストランがそれをし始めるかもしれないね。
A : I hope so.

A : ねえ、りく。 I heard on the news that more and more supermarkets are throwing away food that is still edible.
B : Yeah! We should think twice before throwing away food. 
     Hey, did you know that some supermarkets sell ugly fruits and vegetables? They taste the same, and they're cheaper!
A : それはいいわね! I usually make a detailed list before I go shopping. 買いすぎないように気をつけているのよ。
B : なんて賢い考えなんだろう!
A : Also, back home in the U.S., I would often ask for a doggy bag at a restaurant.
B : ドギーバッグって何だい?
A : If you don't finish your food, you can get your leftovers to go. そうすれば、それらは無駄にならないでしょ。
B : Nice! I wonder if they have that in Japan.
A : Well, when I ate out the other day, 私はフライドポテトを食べきれなかったんだ。
     The restaurant gave me a container to take them home.
B : へえ! Maybe more restaurants will start doing that.
A : そうだといいわね。