“What can we do to avoid wasting food?” 

A : Karen
B : Riku

A : Hey, Riku. I heard on the news that more and more supermarkets are throwing away food that is still edible.
     Wasting food is a big problem.
B : Yeah! We should think twice before throwing away food. 
     Hey, did you know that some supermarkets sell ugly fruits and vegetables? They taste the same, and they're cheaper!
     I always buy them when I have a chance.
A : That's great! I usually make a detailed list before I go shopping. I try not to buy too much food.
B : What a smart idea!
A : Also, back home in the U.S., I would often ask for a doggy bag at a restaurant.
B : What's a doggy bag?
A : If you don't finish your food, you can get your leftovers to go. That way, they don't go to waste.
B : Nice! I wonder if they have that in Japan.
A : Well, when I ate out the other day, I couldn't finish my French fries.
     The restaurant gave me a container to take them home.
B : Wow! Maybe more restaurants will start doing that.
A : I hope so.







A : ねえ、りく。まだ食べられるのに捨ててしまうスーパーが増えているとニュースで聞いたよ。
B : そうだね!食べ物を捨てる前に、よく考えるべきだよ。
B : ドギーバッグって何だい?
B : いいね!日本にもあるのかな?
A : そういえば、この間、外食したとき、フライドポテトを食べきれなかったんだ。
A : そうだといいわね。