“Which is the best season to visit Japan?” 

A : Tyler
B : Nana




A : My relatives from the U.S. are going to visit me in Japan next year. 
     They're asking which is the best season to visit.
B : Really? What do you think?
A : ②僕は秋が一番いい季節だって言うつもりなんだ。 You can see a lot of colorful leaves.
     At some parks and temples, the beautiful trees are lit up at night.
B : ③いいポイントだわ。
A : Also, there are a lot of delicious seasonal foods, ④例えば松茸や栗、サツマイモだよ。
B : ⑤その通りだわ。 でも、私は春の間に訪れるのをお勧めするわ。 
      I love the warm weather. 
     You can see the beautiful cherry blossoms by the riverside, ⑥それにピンクの花びらが水面いっぱいに散っている。
     ⑦私の家族はいつも公園でピクニックをするの、under the cherry trees.
A : ⑧それは素晴らしい! Maybe spring is better.







A : My relatives from the U.S. are going to visit me in Japan next year. 
     My aunt, uncle and two cousins are going to come here from Los Angeles. 
     They're asking ①訪れるのにどの季節がいい?
B : そうなの?あなたはどう思うの?
A : I'd say that autumn is the best season. ②色とりどりの葉をたくさん見ることができる。
     At some parks and temples, the beautiful trees are lit up at night.
B : Good point.
A : ③それに、旬の美味しい食べ物もたくさんある, such as matsutake mushrooms,chestnuts and sweet potatoes!
B : That's true. But I'd recommend visiting during spring. 
     ⑤川辺で美しい桜を見ることができる, and the pink petals all over the water. 
     My family usually has a picnic in the park 桜の木の下で.
A : That sounds amazing. ⑥もしかしたら春のほうがいいかも.





A : My relatives from the U.S. are going to visit me in Japan next year. 
     My aunt, uncle and two cousins are going to come here from Los Angeles. 
     They're asking which is the best season to visit.
B : Really? What do you think?
A : I'd say that autumn is the best season. You can see a lot of colorful leaves.
     At some parks and temples, the beautiful trees are lit up at night.
B : Good point.
A : Also, there are a lot of delicious seasonal foods, such as matsutake mushrooms,chestnuts and sweet potatoes!
B : That's true. But I'd recommend visiting during spring. 
      I love the warm weather. 
     You can see the beautiful cherry blossoms by the riverside, and the pink petals all over the water. 
     My family usually has a picnic in the park under the cherry trees.
A : That sounds amazing. Maybe spring is better.


A : 親戚がアメリカから来年、来日するらしいんだ。
B : そうなの?どう思うの?
A : 秋が一番いいんじゃないかな。色とりどりの葉っぱがたくさん見られるし。
B : いいポイントだわ。
A : それは素敵だね。もしかしたら春の方がいいかもね。