① 「あのう、そのう・・・」と言葉を濁すときの you know

Narrator : Emily is telling Paul about the guy she went out on a date with recently.

A : Paul
B : Emily

A : So, what does he do for a living?
B : He's a UI developer. 
A : What's that?
B : It's like ... you know ...
A : Is it an IT thing?
B : Yeah, but it’s like ... you know ... more complicated.
A : You don't actually know what it is, do you?
B : No idea!


② 「・・・だよね」と相手の共感を引き出す you know

Narrator : Thelma spent the whole day out with her mother.
And she just returned home.

A : Emily
B : Thelma

A : How was your mom?
B : Good, I guess.
A : You guess?
B : It's just ... she can be so bossy, you know?
A : Totally. My mom loves telling me what to do.
B : Like, it's my life, you know?
A : Absolutely. Come on. Let's binge watch something.
B : Great idea!