③ 「・・・だよね」と相手の共感を引き出すときの you know...

Narrator : Emily and Olivia are chatting on the phone after a hard day's work.

A : Emily
B : Olivia

A : Huum....
B : Long day at work?
A : Yeah. I love my job, but I'm just so tired, you know?
B : Same here. Hey, let's take a trip! To relax, you know?
A : Great idea! Let's go to a hot spring!


④ 相手にさりげなく情報を伝えたいときの you know...

Narrator : Emily always leaves for work before Thelma.
But today ...

A : Thelma
B : Emily

A : Morning!
B : Good morming! I made pancakes.
A : Oh,they look great! But it's already seven thirty, you know.
B : What?! Oh, no! I need to go.
A : Yeah. You go. I'll eat the pancakes.
B : Thanks, Thelma. Bye!
A : Bye! Lucky me.