I was running 5km. When teacher was here, he said to us our assessment is doing on this Thursday, bit he was broken his ankle. He can't teach is now so we have another teacher in pe class. He is nice too. But sometime I miss our teacher. He promised that when we finish running assessment, he would buy us pizza for lunch. We were looking for the last day and of running. But now is not. Everyone cut the road and not run correctly. I was annoyed I did my bezt with Emma today. My time was not good, 26:13. But I want to continue running during the holiday. 
When I do my beat in PE class, my body is tired and getting heavy, but also my heart motivation is getting better. My brain is working very well and feeling better. I think my body likes running. I am not much.w
We have one more PE class in this term I will do my best and I need more nice result.
Recently What do you trying? I am trying to get a skill of light the fire.ニヤリ I will expert of lighting fire in the future. 

Now our family is watching "The Game Of Throne" it seems to be the best series in this 5 years. But I can't see all, because this has too much violence. But I agree story is nice. It is starting the new series on 16th of July. So they are looking forwatd to see it. I am not.

I was so tired at school today. I am cold now. Will be fine. Lisa said to me I have to keep taking the vitamin drop's. It cure of us all the time. Taste like belly bit I don't like that taste. I liked before one. That was orange taste I feel like taking so many vitamin:)  I hope I will be better soon.