Hello, everyone.

I'm Hiromi Sakimoto.

I am sending this message from Korea.

Fortunately, I can use internet in the room I stay.

Then I made throught of writing message for you in Japan.

But,,, you know, I can hardly write in Japanese with this computer.

So, I'd like to say sorry to you for my poor English and that I can only do this way.

However, I have no ear to any claim about my poor English. [^-^]

It has been years not to use English.

I don't remember 99% words and jukugo!!

So,,, Because I am not sure even whether you can make out this message,

Now I want to finish this letter as soon as possible. [^_^:]

Now I want to be a shell.



Anyway, I will return to Japan in two or three days.

See you soon!!

Good night...