初日 | Saki's Scrapbook

Saki's Scrapbook





Yesterday was the first day at my new work. It has been a while since I got on a very crowded train in the morning. It wore me out... and my feet were killing me as i was wearing heals. it takes about an hour to get to work, so I may just ware casual shoes for my commute....

一日、ほぼ人事の方による入社手続き、会社説明で終わりました。 会社独特の言葉がかなりあり、当面はそれを覚えるのが大変かも。 人事の方がみんなとても良い方で安心しました。

I spent all day with people from HR for induction. There are so many terms and unique words they use which I must learn... Anyway, people there all were so nice and I was relief.

お昼は人事部の方が連れて行ってくださいました。  洋食屋さんで。

会社がちょっと駅から離れているので、これからはお弁当を持って行こうかと思っていますが、駅の周りにはおいしいお店がたくさんあるとのいこと。 徐々に開拓するとしましょう。

HR director and managers took me to lunch. As the office is a bit far from the station, and there are not many restaurants around the offce, I think I am taking lunch from tomorrow, but they told me there were nice restaurants around the station.... which was good to know.

Saki's Scrapbook Saki's Scrapbook

久しぶりの社会復帰で緊張していましたが、今日はお休み。 ラッキーです。

明日からが本当の意味でのお仕事ですね。 気を引き締めて頑張るとします!

I was very tired as it has been while since I was at work last time..... but luckly we had our national holiday today. From tomorrow, I will take over many tasks... will try hard, but not too much...