最後の一週間 | Saki's Scrapbook

Saki's Scrapbook


社会復帰を前にした最後の1週間はのんびり過ごしました。Saki's Scrapbook


お食事は豆乳鍋。 実は初めてだったのですが、とってもおいしかった! 話は尽きず・・・・タロットもやったりして楽しかった!

I spent my last week before going back to ''the real world'' in relax mood.

On Monday, JJ came over to my house for dinner. We had Pot dish which you can cook and eat on the table. It was nice.


彼女は今、青梅のほうにすんでいるのですが、とってものんびりした素敵な場所でした。 そして、ニューヨーク時代にお世話になったKさんにも10年ぶりに再会。 3日間、大して外にも出ず、ただ食べておしゃべりして…・楽しかった!

From Tuesday to Thursday, went to see my mother in NY... who now is living in suburb area of Tokyo. And saw K-san whom I worked with in NY. It has been 10 years since we saw each other last time.... for 3 days, all we did was to eat and chat....

土曜日は友人Cの歌を聴きにHakuju ホールへ。 癒されました。

Yesterday, went to a concert hall for a music rycital. My friend sang and I had such a great time.

そして今日はのんびり過ごしています。  さっきお散歩をして今とってもいい気持ち。


Today, I am trying to be relaxed with doing nothing.... I went for a walk and now I really am feeling like taking a nap... but I know if I take one now, I would never go to sleep at night...

3ヶ月半に及ぶのんびり生活もこれで終わりだと思うと悲しい。 この期間で、私は本当はのんびり生活が好きなのだと実感しました。 次の仕事はあまり頑張りすぎないようにしようと思います。 

It is sad that my long vacation now is over...... what I found out from this vacation was that I liked to be relaxed and to do nothing..... I will start working tomorrow, but now I really know that I put more weight on having fun in my private life and not to work so hard... hahaha...