ありがとう | Saki's Scrapbook

Saki's Scrapbook



今日は、私がNYの母と呼んでいるY子さんのお誕生日でした。  ってことで、バースデーコールしました。 1年ぶりに話す彼女は相変わらず元気一杯。 この一年、いろいろあったのでその報告をしているうちに、彼女の優しさに触れ、かなり泣いてしまいました。 ここ数ヶ月で溜まっていた物が全て出たって感じかな。  彼女の元気をもらって元気になりました。  ここ数日凹んでいたので・・・。  Yさん、お誕生日おめでとう。

Even though, there are so many pictures I want to upload on this page, I just want to put things happened today.

Today was Ms Y's birthday. I am calling her ''my mother in NY''. ...well, I have more than a few mothers in the US.... Anyway, I called her to say ''happy birthday''. I have not communicated with her for a year, there are so much to talk about. I told her what had happened in past 12 months, ...which is a lot... and some how I started crying... maybe because the way she talked to me was very tender and I was touched... after all the crying and laughing, I think I took all the stress out from my system.... T

彼女が言った事。 私が前職で溜めていたというストレスは前職だけのものではなくて、帰国して10年間の日本での生活で少しずつ溜まってきたストレスじゃないのか・・・って。 そうなのかもしれないね。  

She told me that the stress which triggered my sickness was not just from the stress from my previous job, but from my life being in Tokyo for past 10 years... it maybe so. Without realizing, I may be stressed out being and working here... Of course there are many things I love about being in Tokyo.

電話のあと、今度は近所のSちゃんに電話。 電話した途端、私がいつもと違うってわかったみたい。


After the phone call to Ms Y, called my friend S-chan. She knew there was something wrong with me... She decided not to go to gym and hang out with me all afternoon.

いつものお喋りだったけど、この時間が必要だったみたい。 精神的に辛いとき、Sちゃんはいつも、普段と変わらない感じでただただ付き合ってくれます。 感謝。

We just walked around neighbour, had lunch, and chat... I really needed to spend time like this. She has been around whenever I am having hard time... .. Thank you, S-chan.
