≪Kanagawa≫〔Japanese sightseeing information〕 | 観光情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報


身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(Accommodation Information of Japan)です。各県の観光情報(Japanese sightseeing information:季節のイベント情報)も掲載しております。


観光(Kanagawa) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿

japanese original scenery
観光(Kanagawa)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)

Japanese sightseeing information






○横浜港に面している地域で都市景観100選受賞地区である 横浜みなとみらい21、湘南のシンボルとして親しまれる展望灯台で、四季折々のテーマカラーに沿ってライトアップが変更される江の島シーキャンドルなど 神奈川の魅力満載です。







Turnpike Hakone is a sightseeing route that can enjoy the natural scenery connecting the metropolitan area and Izu Hakone. In addition, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mt. Fuji throughout the four seasons.

[ ターンパイク箱根《WEBサイト》

(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)


〔Mt.Fuji and Lake Ashinoko〕

Amazing landscapes of Lake Ashi and Mt. Fuji, pleasure boats, inns and hotels surrounded by nature produce the best holiday. Hakone Ashinoko is such a resort area.

(箱根町) 《Hakone-machi(Kanagawa Pref.)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)


箱根 芦ノ湖の観光・宿泊ガイド


  [『箱根観光船 ビクトリー』]  


Hakone pirate ship can go around Ashinoko lake as it is a round trip even if boarding from any port. You can enjoy the wonderful landscape around Mount Fuji and Lake Ashinoko by boarding.(箱根町) 《Hakone-machi(Kanagawa Pref.)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)



Sightseeing Information - 《 HAKONE 》

  [『箱根観光船 バーサ』]  


Hakone pirate ship can go around Ashinoko lake as it is a round trip even if boarding from any port. You can enjoy the wonderful landscape around Mount Fuji and Lake Ashinoko by boarding.(箱根町) 《Hakone-machi(Kanagawa Pref.)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)






[Morito coast/森戸海岸]Morito coast is the largest sandy shore in Hayama. In the summer you can enjoy the sea bath while watching Enoshima Island and Mt. Fuji, and evening scenery is recommended.

(葉山町) 《Hayama-machi(Kanagawa Pref.)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)



[Morito coast/森戸海岸]Morito coast is the largest sandy shore in Hayama. In the summer you can enjoy the sea bath while watching Enoshima Island and Mt. Fuji, and evening scenery is recommended.

(葉山町) 《Hayama-machi(Kanagawa Pref.)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)









[Enoshima Sea Candle]Enoshima Sea Candle is a observation lighthouse familiar as a symbol of Shonan. Lighting up is changed four times a year according to the theme color every season.

江の島・鎌倉ナビ ](藤沢市) 《Fujisawa City》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)



[Odawara Flower Garden]Odawara Flower Garden is a botanical park where you can enjoy flowers through the four seasons such as rose garden and plum forest. In addition, you can appreciate about 300 species of tropical and subtropical flowers.


(小田原市) 《Odawara City,Kanagawa Pref.》
(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)


Yamashita Park is a romantic park with a view of the Bay Bridge and the boats going through the harbor. There are also many other monuments that make you feel the interchange with foreign countries.(横浜市) 《Yokohama City,Kanagawa Pref.》


(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)


[Minato Mirai 21]Minato Mirai 21 is an area facing the port of Yokohama, straddling the west and middle wards of Yokohama City.Minato Mirai 21 is known as a beautiful district of urban landscape.


(横浜市) 《Yokohama City,Kanagawa Pref.》

(写真提供 公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会)


The sightseeing information
of Kanagawa,please click here.
≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K