嫌いだった聖書 I hated the Bible Vol.7 | リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

Hi, I'm Yuuki Saitoo, a recorder player.
I'm doing this hoping this can be a break for someone.

(電話のみ/Only talk)


If you haven't read this, please read it first.


Though God used to show himself often, why doesn't He do so now?



Come to think about it, at the time of Jesus, that kind of thing already used not to happen almost at all.

If you read the Bible, you'd notice that at first God related with humans directly, but some while later He started to leave it to the kings, and next He replaced it with prophets, and shortly Jesus came to the earth, and after that, as Jesus said, the holy spirit, which God send christians's hearts or soul or...I don't know but anyway Jesus said so, has been replaced with the former ones.



And it's interesting that many of the people in the Bible who directly related with God went against Him, and also when He sent the prophets they went wrong, and they got Jesus crucified, but it seems that the christians who live and have lived in these times when neither God nor prophets haven't appeared can be the strongest about their faith.

While many of the people who would've been able to feel God really close have betrayed Him, in christians who can hardly do it but just believe in it, there have been many many people who got martyred.





When I read the book that I've mentioned before ''Disappointment with God'' by Philip Yancey, I realized this: God probably hopes to have relation of trust with humans, and as humans want to be loved God also wants it too, and there are the description about His suffering and experiments or His plans and the proofs of what happens if God exists close to humans.

For God, it would be a piece of cake to change humans' minds, but He didn't choose to do so, so, it's imaginable that it would take a long time to build a good relation with humans.

A Japanese doctor Shigeaki Hinohara said in his book, ''After loosing my wife, my love for her has been stronger.''.

Though God hasn't die, maybe or probably it's that we have stronger love when we are away from it than when we are close to it.  

