Japanese original scenery≪日本の原風景/観光情報≫

Japanese original scenery≪日本の原風景/観光情報≫

This blog introduces a photograph (Japanese original scenery) of beautiful nature.

  観光(Fukushima) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
japanese original scenery
Fukushima)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information

In the vicinity of Lake Inawashiro, there are "Adatadayama" and "Bandai mountain" which are selected as one hundred Japan mountains. others,We are blessed with abundant nature including Lake Inawashiro where you can see the beautiful scenery. There is also a quiet spa town "Nakanosawa Onsen" surrounded by mountains.

○季節のイベント情報満載です。 The details of the sightseeing information of Fukushima, please click here.(festivals and events:)福島「イベント・グルメ」の旅情報《福島の観光情報満載!》


(Lake Hibara and Mt.Bandai)

[ Fukushima Travel Guide ]



















《Mt. Bandai and Lake Inawashiro》

(写真提供 財団法人福島県観光物産交流協会)




《Mt. Bandai and Lake Inawashiro》

(写真提供 財団法人福島県観光物産交流協会)



《Mt. Bandai and Lake Inawashiro》

(写真提供 財団法人福島県観光物産交流協会)




《Mt. Bandai and Lake Inawashiro》

(写真提供 財団法人福島県観光物産交流協会)



《Mt. Bandai and Lake Inawashiro》

In the vicinity of Lake Inawashiro, there are "Adatadayama" and "Bandai mountain" which are selected as one hundred Japan mountains. others,We are blessed with abundant nature including Lake Inawashiro where you can see the beautiful scenery. There is also a quiet spa town "Nakanosawa Onsen" surrounded by mountains.

一般社団法人 猪苗代観光協会 WEBサイト

(写真提供 財団法人福島県観光物産交流協会)


インドア・アウトドア 季節ごとに魅力がある 裏磐梯

福島県裏磐梯観光協会 WEBサイト



The sightseeing information of Fukushima,
please click here.

≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K
  観光(山口) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
japanese original scenery
観光(山口)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information

に数えられまた国指定名勝として広く知られる錦帯橋、 自然の造形美を見渡せる下関の美しい海岸など山口の魅力満載です。詳細は下記リンクをクリックしてご覧ください。

○季節のイベント情報(観光イベント情報)満載です。The details of the sightseeing information of Yamaguchi, please click here.(festivals and events)
















しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide
  [『関門海峡 (火の山展望台)』]  

(Kanmon Bridge) Pedestrian-only roads that can walk by walking apart from roads for automobiles are maintained on the ocean floor. Why do not you enjoy the passage around the strait with a different line of sight?

(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)


  [『関門海峡 (壇之浦PA)』]  

Kanmon Bridge is a road bridge that crosses the Kanmon Strait between Shimonoseki City(Yamaguchi) and Kitakyushu City(Fukuoka). The view of the surroundings is wonderful, and the light up is also done according to the time zone.

(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)


しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide
  [『関門海峡 (火の山展望台)』]  


(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)



しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide
  [『長州砲 (みもすそ川公園)』]  

Kanmon Bridge is a road bridge that crosses the Kanmon Strait between Shimonoseki City(Yamaguchi) and Kitakyushu City(Fukuoka). The view of the surroundings is wonderful, and the light up is also done according to the time zone.

(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)



しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide
  [『関門海峡 (Hinoyama Observatory)』]  

Kanmon Bridge is a road bridge that crosses the Kanmon Strait between Shimonoseki City(Yamaguchi) and Kitakyushu City(Fukuoka). The view of the surroundings is wonderful, and the light up is also done according to the time zone.

(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)



しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide

(Kanmon Bridge) Pedestrian-only roads that can walk by walking apart from roads for automobiles are maintained on the ocean floor. Why do not you enjoy the passage around the strait with a different line of sight?

(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)



しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide
  [『関門海峡  (Hinoyama Observatory)』]  


(下関市) 《Shimonoseki City,Yamaguchi Pref.》
(写真提供 下関市観光協会)



しものせき旅のコンシェルジェ 楽しも!

下関市観光協会 WEBサイト
Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi) Travel Guide



The sightseeing information of Yamaguchi,
please click here.


≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K

観光(Kagoshima) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿

japanese original scenery
観光(Kagoshima)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)

Japanese sightseeing information

○開聞岳Mt. Kaimon)や奥十曽渓谷(Okujisou Ravine)
の壮大な景観、 四季を通じ美しく眺めが変化する観音
滝 (Kan-non Fall)、大浪池(Lake Onami) とその周辺の
景観、指宿温泉(Ibusuki onsen Hot Spring)や妙見温
(Myoken onsen Hot Spring)、霧島温泉郷(Kirishima
onsen Hot Spring)などの 野趣あふれる温泉地、鹿児島
The details of the sightseeing information of
Kagoshima, please click here .(festivals and events)
●鹿児島県観光連盟「c K.P.V.B」

  [『佐多岬から開聞岳を望む 』]  

(大隅地区 / Osumi)

View of Mt. Kaimon from Cape Sata
Kaimondake is a volcano located in the southern

 tip of the Satsuma peninsula in Kagoshima prefecture, 

also known as "Satsuma Fuji".From Sata Cape you can

 see the beautiful sea and sky scenery.


(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)

  [『(夕暮れの開聞岳 Mt. Kaimon at dusk)』]  

Kaimondake is a volcano located in the southern tip of the Satsuma peninsula in Kagoshima prefecture, also known as "Satsuma Fuji".On the summit of a gentle mountain climb, you can see sightseeing spots such as Kirishima and Yakushima.

いぶすき観光ネット《(指宿市 / Ibusuki)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)

  [『上野原縄文の森 Uenohara Jomon-no-mori Park』]  

The Uenohara Historic ruins are ruins from the early Jomon period to the modern era, the surroundings of the ruins are called Uenohara Jomon forests and are maintained as prefectural parks.

[公社] 霧島市観光協会[WEBサイト]

《(霧島市・湧水町 / Kirishima・yuusui)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)

  [『大浪池 Lake Onami』]  

Onami-no-ike is a nearly circular crater lake at 

Kirishimayama in the northeastern part of 

Kirishima-shi, Kagoshima prefecture. There is also a promenade where you can go around the lake in around 2 hours.

[公社] 霧島市観光協会[WEBサイト]

《(霧島市・湧水町 / Kirishima・yuusui)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)

  [『開聞岳(Mt. Kaimon)』]  

Kaimondake is a volcano located in the southern tip of the Satsuma peninsula in Kagoshima prefecture, also known as "Satsuma Fuji".On the summit of a gentle mountain climb, you can see sightseeing spots such as Kirishima and Yakushima.

いぶすき観光ネット《(指宿市 / Ibusuki)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)

  [(奥十曽渓谷 Okujisou Ravine)]伊佐市[WEBサイト]  

Upstream of Jisso River flowing through Isa city, as Okujisou Ravine, there are several waterfalls dotted, famous for forest bath forest.十曽川(じっそがわ:水温も年間通じ13~14℃と低く夏には沢登りも体験できます。)は、鹿児島県伊佐市を流れ、その上流は奥十曽渓谷として滝が点在し四季折々の自然美を感じることができます。

《(伊佐市・さつま町 / Isa・Satsuma)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)

  [『観音滝 (Kan-non Fall)』]  

In the vicinity of Kan-non Falls, cherry blossoms are at best in the beginning of April and autumn leaves are at best in late November. The autumn leaves to see the falls on the background can enjoy autumn leaves that feel natural beauty.

《(伊佐市・さつま町 / Isa・Satsuma)》
(写真提供 公益社団法人 鹿児島県観光連盟)



The sightseeing information of Kagoshima,
please click here

≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K