



”Glee season1”



























Matthew Morrison  Lea Michele  Cory Monteith



Chris Colfer  Amber Riley  Kevin Mchale

















・strike: ストライキ
Tomorrow we are going to go on strike to request better pay.    
・scald: やけどさせる

Hot coffee scalds my tongue every time.
It was an awful accident
・cheerily: 元気よく
She always greets me cheerily in the morning
・explode: 爆発させる、破裂させる
This much food would make my stomach explode!
・prestige: 名声、一流の
My university has a lot of prestige.
My university is very prestigious.
anonymity: 匿名、面白みのないこと
The good review was anonymous, so I don't know who wrote it. 

suck: くだらない
I’m not interested in this class, it sucks.
・irony: 皮肉

There was a touch of irony in his speech

・enhance: を高める
This song enhances my motivation to study.
・sloppy: だらしない、ずさんな
He leaves his clothes lying around everywhere, he doesn’t do the dishes after he finishes eating. He’s such a sloppy person.
・disgraceful: 恥ずかしい、不名誉な
What you did was disgraceful. I don’t think you could show your face at school for a week.
・agony: 激しい苦痛
He must be in agony with that food poisoning.
・weak: 弱い
At the moment, everybody is very weak mentally.
・detention: 放課後の居残り、留置
He behaved well, so he wasn’t given detention.
Let’s make a deal. Instead of going out after class and partying, you stay at home and study. In return, I’ll take you to Luna Park next weekend.
stick: 貼り付ける、突っ込む
・fold: 折りたたむ、組む
I don’t like folding my clothes because I’m just going to wear them anyway.
・diabetes: 糖尿病
She has to watch what she eats because she has diabetes.
・diaper: おむつ
He finds it hard to change the baby’s diapers.
・thread: 糸、衣服
A sweater is made out of cotton thread.
This sweater is made from many pieces of thread. 
・upset: 心を乱す、調子を狂わす
The news about COVID-19 really upset me.
・swirl: 飛び交う、渦巻く
In spring, the seeds swirl in the wind.
・despair: 絶望、失望
He despaired when he heard her words.
・lucrative: 利益のあがる
The deal is very lucrative.
dismiss: 捨てる、忘れる
Don’t dismiss this information like it’s not important.
・possession: 所有、領地
All I have in my possession right now is what is in my room.
・felony: 重罪
Everybody knows it’s a felony to murder somebody.
・sacrifice: 犠牲、いけにえ
Why do I have to sacrifice my time for you? 
・regional: 地域の
It is a regional festival so it's not so famous but very fun 
・promote: 促進する、昇進させる
My boss promoted me (gave me a promotion) after I worked hard for two years.
・reek: 悪臭を放つ、気配がする
He reeks. He mustn’t shower every day.
・account: 預金口座
I set up my bank account by myself when I came to Australia.
・recapture: 取り戻す、思い出す
She recaptured the feeling she had when she played with her friends in her hometown.
・glory: 栄光、感謝
It will be his crowning glory.
surgery: 外科、外科手術
Luckily, I didn’t have to have surgery. 

・screw: だましとる
You don’t want to screw with customers. 
Nature and humans are a bother to each other. 
Don’t bother him right now, he’s busy.
・stun: 気絶させる、動転させる
I was stunned when I heard the news.
・ingénue: 無邪気な少女
She is the ingénue.
・president: 部長
I didn’t want to be the president because I know it’s hard to handle lots of people.
・marital: 夫婦の
Each country has different marital laws
・appreciate: 正しく理解する、価値を認める、感謝する
I appreciate your kindness 
・upwardly: 上のほうへ
An upward trajectory means things are getting better. 
Something trends upwardly.
・doom: 悲運、宿命
Stay positive! It’s not all doom and gloom.
・grading: 採点する
I get bored when I have to grade all my students’ work.
・accounting: 会計、経理
I don’t like accounting so I don’t want to work at the bank.
・interim: しばらくの間
In the interim, we need to stay home to make sure everybody is safe.
・conflict: 争い、衝突
You don’t like conflict so you always avoid saying your opinion.
・reputation: 評判、うわさ
I want to eat at a restaurant with a good reputation.
・wheelchair: 車いす
It’s easy to travel with a wheelchair in Japan. 
・flip: ピンとはじく、ひっくり返す
He flipped a coin to decide where he wanted to go.
・explosion: 爆発、破裂
The explosion made a huge sound.
・apology: わび、謝罪、弁護
He gave me chocolate as an apology.
lawn: 芝生
People like to lie on the lawn at the park 
・lame: 不具にする
Lame means somebody can’t walk
・choreography: 振り付け
Who made this choreography? It's so cool! 
・provide: 養う
I don’t have enough money to provide for my family.




Let's watch a movie !