4月3日 お誕生日おめでとうございます




































Happy Birthday, April 3rd!
Today's flower is 【Ranunculus】.
The language of flowers is "glamorous charm".

What kind of person are you reading thisはてなマーク
Are you someone who has a flamboyant charm like the language of flowers? Or are you rather shy? Or neitherはてなマーク

There are people who don't want to stand out, but they do, don't they? Aki Yashiro, who sadly passed away recently, was often ridiculed for her thick makeup.ショボーン
It would be great if she stood out for her singing, but she was beautiful and had a clear face, so even if she wore the same makeup as everyone else, she still looked like a heavy makeup wearer.チューリップ

She really didn't like to wear makeup, and a driver I knew told me that many people became her fans because she always wore no makeup when she toured and was so easy to talk to the drivers.目
When you think about it, how much she would have liked to be someone who didn't stand out, except for her singing, but she was a beautiful person no matter how you looked at her.笑い泣き

So even if she looks gorgeous and everyone is envious of her, she may be troubled by it!大泣き
I am the same way.ピエロ
People from the South tend to be called show-offs or bullies because their facial features are too distinct.ポーン
Even if I use the same words, they are received differently when I say them than when someone who looks quiet says them.えー

When I met someone I knew before, I said, "How are you?" was taken as sarcasm, and my excuses did not go through, and I was not forgiven.ネガティブ
Three years of suffering...台風
I think I use Kansai dialect, but because I was a bus guide for a long time, it sounds like standard Japanese to the people who listen to me.怒り

The "How are you?" in question was something I later found out the other person had made up as a sarcastic remark...ショボーン
Here in Kansai, people take the standard Japanese language coldly, and some people take it badly even if they don't mean to!ピエロ
I guess there are some of you out there who are worried about ・・・・ even though you didn't mean to!はてなマーク
Maybe that's how the Empress became ill? She's such a lovely person.ラブ

If someone has a glamorous charm, it may magnify your charm in a positive way if you take five steps back and speak more modestly than others!ガーベラ
People who appear mature may envy those who are glamorous, but it may seem that way because you don't have it!笑い泣き
Every person has their own pain and sorrow, don't theyはてなマーク

Either way, don't be someone who flaunts your knowledge, your origins, or your authority.驚き
Your charm is that you are honest and humble.花火

Spring admires you and little birds with wings of happiness are flying over your head!ルンルン
You have a gorgeous charm, and if you cover your honest heart with it, you will be the best person in the world!二重丸
May you gently and tenderly touch the wings of happiness and become the happiest you in the world!義理チョコ義理チョコ義理チョコ義理チョコ義理チョコ